the beginning

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Y/n! You turn around after hearing a drunk man call your name. After turning around you see jack a tall slim man with black hair a green eyes and always drunk. "Oh jack what are you doing?"
"Well I couldn't help but wonder if you have heard the news about the stock market crash?
Actually you have and it amuses you watching all the filthy people on the street panicking.
" Yes jack I have such, misfortune don't you think?" I gave jack an innocently sad face.
" Well I b..betnn get goin..." Jack slurred his words as he turned to walk away only to face plant onto the ground. Normally you would have laughed but with so many people around you didn't. Instead you faked a scream and started shouting for help. When two police came and checked his pulse he was dead. You smiled wickedly but covers it up with fake tears.

( Three hours later) ( your pov)

Hmmm after that incident I think I want to kill someone. i walked to my apartment to get ready for my kill but I heard a sharp scream followed by silence. I knew it had come from behind me. I turned around quickly and saw a thin man standing over a lump... A person... A dead person...hahahahahahahaha

As the man looked up and saw me laughing he started to jogging towards me. Then you heard sirens. The man was a few feet away when I looked up and noticed his eyes. It was MR.COLLINS THE RADIO HOST!  I laughed "I know your secret" the sirens got closer he held a knife up to my throat. " Hahaha run into the woods I'll tell them I saw someone run down the alley ok?" He looked shocked but then smiled an evil smile, thank you was all he said as he ran to the tree line. After a few seconds the cops started to arrive I acted scared and sad I made myself cry again. Two cops ran over to the dead body and checked it and another ran over to me and asked what happened. I wanted to laugh and say I wouldn't tell him shit but I kept on my charade and told him I saw a person stab the victim and run to the alley. He believed me of course the crying innocent slut haha.

(The next day)

I woke up in my room. I got up and started to shower and get ready for work but I remembered I had all day to spare because I had the night shift today. Still might as well go for a walk. I put on my f/c jacket and grabbed my f/c bag and walked out my door. The first thing I saw was the caution tape where the dead body had been and alot of police. I chuckled a little remembering the events of last night. I walked past the commotion without any problems and walked into the bar/strip joint where I worked. I walked in and alot of the men started whistling and calling me baby. I wanted to show them baby while I had a fucking knife in my hand. But I smiled and blew a kiss. I walked up to the bar stand and saw a little girl no older than 13 working as a stripper and the men where loving that. Ever since the stock market crash young girls where desperate for money and only rich men and women can afford the strip joint now so alot of fuck boys. I felt sick to my stomach I only felt Pain for the children because they where YOUNG! I called the young girl over. " Hey sweets what's your name " the girl looked sad and scared but she seemed to know me because she sighed and told me here name. " Anna" hmm Anna was a beautiful name just like her. With her blondish hair and light blue eyes she was gorgeous. " Well Anna do you drink?" I knew she was underaged but if you could afford it then it didn't matter anymore. She nodded and I told her to sit down and have a drink with me and she did. Mimzy came to ask us for our orders. " Mimzy mom how are you?!" Mimzy looked up and smiled surprise for sure "Y/n where have you been I haven't seen you in ages!" Mimzy was like my mom she helped me hide my first body... Wow such good memories. " Well I've been rather busy actually--" I heard a voice from the staff room. It was a man no men where allowed back there i glared at mimzy " so umm why is there a man in the staff room mimz?" She laughed and told me it was a friend and he was allowed back there. I heard his voice again! " Mimzy mom is it alastor by chance?!" Mimzy looked at me with a look I can't even describe a little bit of shock confusion and  curiosity. "Yes why?..."

The best parts coming soon folks just wait 😗

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