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I turned so swiftly I almost dropped my towel. When I had turned around no one was there. "I could have sworn..." I mumbled slowly. As I got dressed the task at hand fluttered in my mind like a moth in the attic. The sooner we pulled it off the better. Keeping in mind what we where about to do I put on clothes I could fight and run in. A black long coat a pair of black pants and of course my favorite grey gloves. I never wore a mask, I wanted my victims to get a clear image of their murderer. Finally I put my h/c h/l in a ponytail (or bun, braids whatever you prefer) I stood there frozen for a second. Looking into the mirror, I felt like normal again like if I went to Alastor's house he'd be there. I knew he wouldn't be though. Finally of snapped out of my daze and left the bathroom. Anna was in her room preparing for the "special event" of tonight. I had always let Anna pick the weapon and way in and out exit rout. Because unlike me she planned these murders thoroughly and cautiously.

Later that night you and Anna leave the house and walk down Dunbarry lane heading towards your victims house. You can feel the addrenaline racing through your body letting seep in. Letting it control your body. your mind. Until your entire body was tingling. You had, has this happen before during many of your kills, but this one was different. This one was stronger, better, and revenge was right in front of you all you had to do was turn that door knob.

(Your pov)

I looked at the door handle right in front of me. Revenge lye on the other side. Anna had planned this for days. We would sneak in through the back door wish she left unlocked untill 9:30, hide in her bedroom and wait for her to lock up the house, when she entered we'd be there ready. As soon as I opened the door the smell of cookies and chocolate filled my nose puting me in a trance. Mrs.Calwick was a sweet old lady she loved baking and was well known for her famouse gooey double chocolate chip cookies. I stepped inside forgetting what I was here for. Everything that had me on edge just melted away and I relaxed it reminded me of home. Anna tapped my shoulder. "Mom we need to hide she'll be home in 5 minutes" reality came back full force I sighed keeping my smile up. I didn't know where Mrs.Calwicks room was. I looked around there was stairs so i assumed her room was upstairs like most houses in New Orleans. Anna swiftly walked up the stairs although she looked more like a shadow. Her hair was the only clear thing you could see and if she put her hood on she would blend into the dark. Anna had decided on wearing a black cloak with a black top and matching leggings, very flexible for fighting and running. Anna covered her face with a black piece of cloth she had found in her room in the closet. I followed her up the stairs knowing time was short.

After checking all the rooms we came to the last one. Anna put her hand on the door knob when I heard the front door open. Oh no Mrs.Calwick was home. Anna opened the door and ran inside I followed her trying muffle my footsteps. Ounce we where inside I quickly but quietly shut the door. Anna was on her belly crawling under the bed. I took a second to adjust to the dark room. There was a twin sized matress on a normal wooden frame, a night stand was on either side of the bed, a small chest was at the bottom of the bed, a dresser was against the farthest wall and a closet. I walked over to the closet making sure each step was dead silent. I opened the doors to the closet it was pretty full but had a little bit of space. I was able to wedge myself inside behind some of the old lady's jackets. I grabbed the door handle and shut the door. Perfect Timing I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I clenched my knife and closed my eyes counting to ten. Alastor raced through my mind, I was only doing this for him I never kill the elderly unless their pricks and Mrs.Calwick was the sweetest. I heard the door open as I snapped back to reality. The plan was to wait untill she shut her door then I would come out. I waited holding my breath so I didn't miss my chance. "Click" the door shut I burst out of the closet running to the door. Mrs.Calwick jumped and nearly screamed her white hair going everywhere. Mrs.Calwick was a small chubby figure with warm brown eyes and short white hair. Those eyes where now filled with fear and shock as I pointed my knife at her blocking the only exit. She was trembling and asking why I was doing this. Rage filled inside of me as I thought about the cop that took Alastor's life. "Because your grandson Mr.Calwick killed a good friend of mine" i spat out the words like venom. I noticed Anna had climbed out from under the bed and was now holding a knife to the old woman's throat. "Listen here lady if you scream I'll slit your throat understand!" Anna pressed the knife closer to Mrs.Calwicks neck. The old lady swallowed and nodded trying to hold back tears and a scream. "This is where the fun begins" I gave Mrs.Calwick my best maniac smile as I glared down at her. I was a mighty wolf, A predator her my prey.

Hello my readers so I'm not showing the violence because -.- who kills a old lady and adds details. However next chapter will be alastor's point of view so hold in there ok.

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