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(Not in your POV anymore)

you walked over to alastor with the coffee with a hint of curiosity on your your mind. "What could he possibly want from me" you thought as you set the cups down on the night stand in between your chairs. At first you two just sat there drinking your coffee when Alastor finally spoke up. " So y/n I wanted to talk about your murder job what kind of weapon do you use?" This question caught you off guard but you quickly recoverd " well I mainly work with (preferred weapon) and you?" Your eyebrows arched with curiosity filled your head. Alastor chuckled that forever smile still plastered on his face. " Well I prefer to use a slow and quiet weapon like a knife. Alastor's eyes  went to a glare with a hint of a insanity his smile never left though. You giggled a little at his sudden change in attitude. As Alastor saw you giggiling he turned to you his eyes back to wide open and his smile less evil maniacky. You started to finish your coffee when Anna came running into the house.

(Your POV)

Anna came rushing into the house. I looked behind me to see her better " hello hun!" She was covers in blood and crying she looked terrified. On instinct I jumped up in case someone had tried to hurt her. I looked at alastor his smile was still there but his eyes where wild and filled with.... Mischief. I ran over to Anna her white top she had been wearing had a huge tare on the rib cage and it was covered in blood. Anna's pants where fine but had a few tares and more blood, her blond hair had dry stained blood mixed into the tangled mess. Anna's face was the worst though she had tears running down her face and her eyes gave away her panic and fear. Half of Anna's face was covered in blood and she had tons of scratches on her left cheek her lip was trembling and so was her body. I looked at Anna " what happend hun!?" I tried to stay calm and not giggle in hopes she wouldn't run away from me. Alastor had shut the door and was in the middle of locking it. Anna grabbed my shoulders "m..mom i..I I think I killed him." I only took a moment to comprehend what she had said but Alastor had grabbed his phone and had dialed a unknown number. No HE WOULDN'T CALL THE POLICE RIGHT!!???!?? I glared at alastor ready to lunge at him and smash his phone when I heard mimzy on the phone. Ok he was helping. I took Anna's hand and led her upstairs. As we neared her room she stopped me. " M...mom I... I'm sorry I didn't mean to kill him..." She sounded unsure and scared. I patted her shoulder and sighed " we'll talk about this in your room ok?" I gave her a sympathetic smile but I was wondering how she felt when she did it and who. I opened her door and led her to the bed she was still trembling but she had stopped crying. We sat down and I gave her a hug. The smell of blood overwhelmed my nostrils I could almost taste the irony tinge the blood would have. " So hun what happend?" I asked Anna trying not to sound excited but serious.

Well I was walking down to the woods and I noticed someone following me I didn't want to think he wanted to hurt me but he was wearing a black jacket with a hood covering his face and he even had a cloth around his mouth so I couldn't see his face and I saw a knife. I panicked and I ran to the tree line hoping he wouldn't follow me...but he did. As I got to the treeline he had caught up and tried to lunge at me with his knife. I barely doged and he got my shirt.(well that explains the huge tare) I tripped him and started to kick him  but he grabbed my leg and pulled me down. He said it would all be over soon and to stop struggling but I tried to call for help so he tried a gag around my mouth. He put down his knife to take of his mask so I...I was able to knee him in the balls and grab the knife I..I shoved it up his rib where his heart was.... I...I panicked a little as the blood drenched me but I pushed him off of me and started to crawl away. But then I remembered I had killed him I couldn't leave the body there.. so I dragged him into the woods and dropped him into a hole and covered it. I didn't think I could come back so I ran and I wound up falling down a hill and getting all scratched up and i lost consciousness. I woke up later and remembered what had happened and I ran here as fast as I could.

I don't know when he came in but there he was holding the phone for whoever was on the other side to hear. Alastor put the phone to his ear " alright well you know what to do and where to go be snappy but theral" he said. Alastor looked at Anna and said " don't worry darling my friends will get rid of any evidence but you should change and give me those clothes of yours so I can burn them. Anna looked confused but nodded and started to head to her bathroom.

Hahahahahaha cliff hanger went through alot lately can't really write much sorry.

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