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The tugging feeling continued in my chest. I felt my head get even heavier but I felt stronger. I saw many other demons around me, small ones, big ones, colorful ones, and alot of others.

       My eyes started going blurry. I looked at the window,my antlers had grown in size and my eyes where radio dials. Small symbols surrounded me and heavy static could be heard. I felt something in my hand,it was a staff with a microphone. Everything went red and I lashed out at the closet demon near me.


It went on like that for about three days I killed any demon who got in my way. Although I hadn't blacked out since the first time. I was well known now. I had found a radio station that I used to spread the news of my latest out breaks and kills. Everyone started calling me the radio demon although I was clearly a deer demon. I didn't mind it, I loved the fear that flashed through the demons of hell when they heard the radio demon was here. Not a day went by that I didn't think about y/n and Anna. They where the reason I  had my outbreak, because I had to many emotions and then I just lashed out. I still stayed the gentleman I was when I was living. And that's how my days went on killing people, making the news,more killing, oh and killing.

I was walking down the street the other demons pointed at me while the whispered. I made sure to keep my smile all the time, but they knew my smile didn't mean I was happy. I continue walking until I heard a familiar voice in the news. I looked across the street to a shop with TV's. I crossed the street and started watching. Hell had alot of new things that I had never seen, like the picture show. There sitting in the sweet was a bug demon everytime she moved her fingers or her neck you would here a "pop" it was rather disturbing.

Hello everyone I'm Katie Killjoy your new news reporter. Unfortunately your old one had a.... Accident shall we say. Now listen closely because your life could depend on this not that anyone cares. Hells extermination is on its way. So find a place to hide cause those angels will be here in less than 5 days.

Of course it was Katie from the radio station. I wonder how she died oh well.

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