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(Basically what I'm trying to say, is that this story will make no sense unless you've read Alternate first!)

"Fucking hell I almost wish you hadn't gotten control over your powers Eb.."

Typical, it had been ages since that day yet, I still think about it. I tried to stay on Earth for so long, yet, now I'm the empress of the underworld. Joint empress.

"What do you expect? I had a great teacher." She smirked, practically throwing me onto her shoulder and walking back to our castle.
"I will end you if you don't put me down."
"Yeah right. You love me too much B."
"Try me."

Somehow, a hybrid had changed me. 2000 years without a relationship, and as if she snapped her fingers.. I wanted her. (No, not in that way)
She had progressed so much since the last fight. Even though since then a lot had happened. Rich had finally decided that even though I had helped him get back to Eb, he had to redeem himself and go back with the angels. Fucking twat. It stunned me that he'd want to become an angel again, a servant to god, rather than be with (practically) his daughter who loved him and saved his ass so many times. A couple of the friends we had made had also gone. Currently, we only had Bryan, Went, Ralph, Nines and Coyote. However Bryan had left the underworld a couple of months after Ebony became my equal, as he needed to go back to Connor. Nines left with him too. Sure, we missed them, but as long as I had Ebony and Coyote I didn't really care. Wentworth stayed in the underworld though, so that made her happy.

"Black this is really not the time." She laughed, placing me down and pacing her fingers with mine. Walking into the castle together, we straight away got changed out of our hunting clothes, and into what felt comfortable. Being an empress in the underworld didn't mean being regal anymore, it only really meant power. These days, everything was different. So different, in fact, that many old traditions had dissolved into history. For example, now any demon could fuse. It didn't matter if you were a court demon. Another example? You wouldn't get slaughtered if you didn't follow my rules. Well.. Maybe after a couple times..

Everything was calm, is what I meant.

Or, I thought it was.

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