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I sighed internally as I let Ebony control us for a while. There wasn't exactly anything for me to be worried about- with Ralph trapped and Abyss with Wentworth and Coyote. I was trying to think of why she really wanted to stay fused and what she wanted to know.

You do realise if you want to know something you can just ask me Ebony?

I don't understand why you keep pushing this idea that I want something.

Because you do? I know that feeling.

Fine. I just- Abyss shook me up. She said things I don't want to believe but.. They almost seem obvious. That I'm just not seeing things from others perspectives..

What did she say?

It was more what she made Ralph say. The entire thing how you use people for what you want or you kill them.

And you believe that?

I don't know. It just seems as if you only want to keep the people that give significant value. Like the people back on Earth.. You haven't thought about them at all since everything.

I stayed silent afterwards. I wanted to be alone in my thoughts. But obviously, I couldn't. Picking up my courage, I mumbled

you think I only keep you guys around because you're useful? And I don't think about my friends on Earth because they aren't anymore?

I mean-

Do you not think I keep you guys around because somehow I've grown to love you all? Nevermind. Stupid question.

It's just- what'll happen when you eventually grow tired of me?

Unfuse with me. I need to see you properly to say this. You can read my thoughts if you think I'm lying.


With that our vision went black as I woke up in my own body again. I saw Ebony patiently waiting for me, with folded arms. I walked up to her and put my hands on the sides of her face.
"I would never grow tired of you. You're my everything. Hell- I've even grown to like your brother. I wouldn't dispose of anyone like that. I do think of the people who I've left behind. I haven't just forgotten.. I just like to think in the future- especially since I'm planning to live my future life, with you.." I looked her straight in the eyes "I love you Ebony. Never forget that."
She stayed silent for a second then gave a small smile "I love you too."
I gave her a quick kiss, then laughed "good, because otherwise the entire empress thing would be extremely difficult."
I heard her sigh, then felt her arms wrap around me tightly "Just don't leave me idiot."
"Pft. I have nowhere to go." I smirked as I saw her raised eyebrow then burst into laughter "You know I wouldn't. I wouldn't ever leave my pretty little hybrid."
"Good." She put her head in the crook of my shoulder, and I felt more at ease now that she seemed happier.

Coyote's Pov
Wentworth was in pieces. The fact that he might not be able to fix Ralph was killing him inside. I could see that.
"Went.." I knelt down to him "It's okay.. I'm sure we'll work it out jus-"
"WHAT IF WE DON'T?" He shouted, more tears falling out of his eyes, like rain in a thunderstorm
"We will.. We figure everything out. Remember? The underworld court is the dream team!"

I was holding onto any optimism I had left. It really hurt. Watching him be that upset.
"I- Wentworth. I'm genuinely sorry." Abyss mumbled
"Sometimes.." Wentworth sniffled back then screamed at the top of his lungs "Sometimes a simple sorry isn't good enough!"
He wiped his eyes then grabbed the sword that lay on the floor, placing it against her throat
"Tell me why I shouldn't." He gritted his teeth- I grabbed onto his shoulder
"Went you can't just go around killing people that do bad things-"
I shouted at him "Because everyone deserves redemption! Black managed it with Lilith! Well, more like the other way around. But Black killed Lilith's only love! Yet she's been forgiven! Give Abyss a chance! Please!"
He threw the sword to the ground in anger and gave me an infuriated stare "if you EVER go on about being a good second in command after this- I'll use Rich's fucking bow on you." He then looked at Abyss "He's the only reason you're alive. Best be fucking grateful."

With that he stormed off, probably back to Ebony and Black. I just stood there and basked in the silence, which was broken in almost a second.
"Why did you do that? You could've so easily let him kill me."
"Because I didn't want another person to die when they could make it right." I murmured looking up at her, and using my powers I crumbled the rocks around her so she fell to the floor on her feet.
"Just go.. leave.. I'll take the consequences from the others. Just remember what I did alright? Do it for someone else."

Staying silent, she grabs my hand and follows the path in which Wentworth stormed off in.
"I give in." She mumbled "I told myself I wasn't going to give in to all this sappy shit." I stayed quiet, as she brought me to the others. Black seeing instantly, she wrapped her arms around Ebony
"What the fuck is she doing here?" Then looking at Abyss "Ebony's mine by the way. Bitch.."
"I get it." Abyss mumbled "unfreeze him. He won't attack now. I have no intention to."
Black looked skeptical, and glanced towards me "Go on then Coy. Tell me what to do.. You've spoken to her the most."
"Do it." I spoke confidently, and Black nodded as she moved one of her hands off Ebony and towards the ice, and melted it with fire. Ralph just stood. No movement, no sounds. Nothing.

Sighing Abyss walks over to him and stares him in the eyes "Tell me. What components did I take over?"
Ralph's head tilted to the side- completely robotically speaking out in monotone
"My memory chip, and broke command-LED communication."
"How do I fix that?" She then asked

"Why would you want to?" He replied "This way- I feel no emotions but the ones you want me to feel. I only do things you want me to do. I am basically a machine again."

Fate (~Alternate sequel) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now