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A couple of days passed since Coyote's awful "prank" on me, and realised similarly, when I woke up Ebony wasn't beside me. Looking out to the window and our balcony, I saw her standing on her lonesome, looking deep in thought, a look of dejection upon her visage. I pushed the covers off of me and gradually walked over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She flinched away from my touch, concerning me.
"Babe? You okay?" I asked gingerly, watching her face relax the slightest amount.
"Something.." She took a deep breath, "Something's been bothering me."
I cocked my head "What is it? You know you can tell me anything."
She turned to look fully at me "Lilith's girlfriend.." I simultaneously felt my heart sank "You killed her.. But why? It caused Lilith so much trauma and hatred for you.."
I sighed "I'll have to show you something for it to make sense. So bare that in mind okay?"
She nodded, as I took her hand and took her down into the castle's basement, where a massive door was chained shut, it's handles littered with dust.
"What is this?" Ebony asked, and I stayed silent as I let go of her hand and broke the chains, harshly pulling at the door, seeing the familiar dark crimson portal lie behind it. As if finally jolted open, I turned to Ebony before walking through, to the world I knew all too well.

My past training grounds.

Through the portal, the land barren, colossal crevices surrounded min and Ebony's feet.
"Where are we?" She asked me quietly
"This, is my old training grounds. A dimension long ago wiped out by lucifer. Whenever I used to go into an episode, this is where I'd go. But when Lilith and I used to be able to converse normally, she'd train me- try to help my powers become stable."

I looked down at the ground, and a path formed before me. I took Ebony's hand yet again, taking her forward as the path grew. Silently I worried- anxiety building up inside my mind. I knew it would hurt me to show her- but she'd never understand else-wise. The path stopped growing when it reached what resembled a highly damaged human colosseum, yet still had traces of emerald gems on the outside, with rubies surrounding them. A lone amethyst held itself below the emeralds and rubies. I placed my hand over it, and the walls opened themselves up, to let us inside.

My breath hitched when I saw the tombstone.
"Exactly where the tombstone is placed- she died."
Ebony let go of my hand and walked forward towards it. Every bone in my body told me to grab her and pull her back- I resisted, walking forward towards Ebony but facing my back to the moulded over stone.

"Lilith bought her here.. Her girlfriend I mean. She wasn't a demon hybrid, not like the underworld books say. She was a neko, found on Earth. Lilith left her here- it wasn't unusual, she came here often, watched me train. A friend to me almost.. But-"
I breathed in slowly- feeling my darkness making its way to consume me "She underestimated my outbursts. I can't remember who annoyed me. All I know is that I was so unstable that anything that touched me I'd want to destroy.. She was already here, when I got here, my eyes fully black, my smoke following me, I saw her eyes look at me with disappointment. I'd previously not had an outrage for months, and she thought I'd improved. But every single time I destroyed something here, she'd try and stop me. She tried- but evidently by this point my powers had developed too strong for myself and others to handle- out of anger, I used Lilith's powers against her own girlfriend. I used flames. Burnt her to ash in an outrage. Lilith ran in and saw me crying over the ashes she didn't know about my outrage because it already had stopped."
Ebony stared at me, turning away from the stone.
"So you killed her when you were unstable?"
I nodded slowly- then heard something
Pathetic wasn't it..? Killing me out of your own stupidity.
"Stop it.." I mumbled
"What?" Ebony stared at me
You killed me with her powers. How pathetic can you get?

I tried to breath slowly but at that point it'd already started.
"Ebony- FUCK- get OUT OF HERE!"
The last thing I saw properly was Ebony reaching out to me- but it wouldn't of worked. Husky mauve smoke surrounded me, my eyes involuntarily shifted obsidian.
At this point- I couldn't control even my own words.

"Honestly- aren't I just pathetic? See even now I can't control myself."

In a hurricane of smoke, my body arose from above, my demon form fully out. Simultaneously the ground around Ebony's feet cracked- giving her seconds to move before they crashed underneath her.
"Black what the hell's going on?!"
"You need to get out of here. If you don't, you'll end up like her."
"I'm not leaving you like this!! You know I won't!"
"It's your funeral."
In my mind I was fighting- trying to not do things, trying to not say things- it wouldn't help.
"Let's be honest here Ebony. Are you not embarrassed to be with me? Or perhaps.. Scared?"
She stuttered "Of course I'm not!"
"Your face, and shaking says otherwise.. My unpredictability.. In one moment I'll use you for my own desire- in another I'll try and kill you. Is it not too much for you?"
She tried to get close to me, tried to grab my hand, but my darkness laughed in her face- pushing her back
"Black seriously you need to calm down! Remember you managed to help me and Coyote out of this!"
"The difference between me and you two- I'm a lot fucking stronger in my outrage. Coyote managed to knock me out, you managed to bruise and batter me.. But lord knows what I, Black Onyx, can do to you. Haven't I already done too much to you? Ruined your life on Earth? I beat up your brother, I fought your only parental figure- what next? Killing them?"
"You wouldn't do that to me.. You wouldn't!"
"That what everyone who comes into contact with me says.."

Ebony looked down at her feet, then back up at me, her eyes turning dark and her hair dull
"You need to calm down Black."
"Pft. That's a stupid thought- that you can calm me down." I smirked, my sharp teeth shining at her, flames appearing at my hands- I saw behind her demon form. She was scared, I could tell.
"I know in your heart you don't want to hurt me."
"Pft. My heart? I don't fucking have one. If I did it would be black and empty."
In the distance I saw the world's Earth crack and crumble- I was even stronger than before. My body took me down to the ground, earth cracking underneath my feet, my battle axe, summoned in my hand swinging at her. She dodged all of my attacks, trying to speak to me- but it wouldn't work- the earth around me being destroyed with every swing I took, the building around me starting to break- until I heard another voice.
"BLACK I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL SHOOT IF YOU SWING AT HER AGAIN!" Wentworth stood on the edge of the path, the angel bow in hand- those arrows..

I grinned, I threw my axe into the air, watching it dissolve, then slowly walking towards Wentworth. The closer I got, he drew back the bow more.
"Do it. I dare you. You know very well it'll only take one to kill me. You'll end up in worse shit than me." Giggling, I got that close to him that I snatched the bow from his hands, grabbing the arrow and snapping it, summoning my own arrow, and drawing the bow back at him
"This is a change.. Isn't it?"
I kept drawing the bow back until I felt people grab at my arms, pulling me back.

"Black you'd seriously kill my boyfriend and Ebony's brother? I know you're darkness has taken over you but this is a new low."


"Black- even for you that's low man.."


"Fuck it."
Tearing away from their grasps, grabbing the pieces of angel arrow off the floor and restoring it, pointing it at myself.
"I know this is probably what most want at this point.. I'M PATHETIC! YEAH I KNOW I'M A SHIT PERSON! NO ONE CAN CONTROL ME, I'M A MONSTER!"


The arrow crunched in my hand yet again
"Don't be stupid. Even as a child you weren't this unstable Black Onyx."


Fate (~Alternate sequel) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now