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~Trevae POV

I kept looking up at the clock. My shift ends in five minutes and I was so ready to go home. Don't get me wrong, I love eating at Wendy's. But working here is not the move. After giving an order to my last customer, I went to grab my things. "You ready to go?" Messiah asked. Messiah is my best friend. Considering we live close to each other, we catch the train together. "Yep."

I pulled my hoodie over my head and we walked out. "You coming in tomorrow?" He asked as we started our walk. "Sadly." I sighed. "Well at least you're getting paid." He said with a laugh while my face didn't move an inch. "I just wish I had a better job. Something that paid better so I could move away from my bitch ass sister." I said. "She still on that shit huh?" He said referring to drugs. When my mom got arrested 6 years ago, my sister was left to take care of me. She got caught up in a bad crowd and hit rock bottom. "Yep. I can't wait til I turn 18 so I can move out and get away from all of this." I said shaking my head. "Just two more years." I thought to myself.

The walk to the train station was about ten minutes. Once we got on the train Messiah fell asleep, like always. I leaned my head against the window overlooking the city of Chicago.

We were the last stop. "C'mon on Messiah." I said tapping his leg. He woke up and we both got off the train. The walk after that wasn't that long. "See you at school tomorrow." He said as we parted ways. "Bye. Love you." I put my headphones in blasting Love You Too Much by Lucky Daye. I walked inside my house seeing my sister on the couch with two dudes. "So you can't speak when you walk in?" She asked as I walked in the kitchen. "Hi April." I said to my sister. "You ain't tell me yo sister looked that good." One of the dudes said. I ignored what they were talking about and put my headphones back in.

I grabbed a bottle of water and a bag of hot fries from the kitchen. I walked to my room and closed my door. I had homework to do. I kicked my shoes off and took off my clothes. I grabbed some shorts and a t-shirt. I ran the water for the shower as I grabbed everything else I needed.

After my shower, I grabbed my book bag. I pulled out my homework and started. I was interrupted by a knock on my door. Uninvited, one of my sisters friends walked in. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Your sister said you were in here. Thought I'd stop by." He smirked.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked watching him unbuckle his pants. "Just relax. It won't take long." He said getting closer to my bed. My sister has put me in horrible situations just to get drugs. But never has someone tried this on me. "GET OUT!" I yelled making him laugh. "Shut the fuck up. I ain't going nowhere." He said clenching his jaw. I tried to make a run for it but he grabbed me.

"Lay down bitch." He said pinning my arms over my head. "LET GO OF ME!" I yelled with tears running down my face. "APRIL! HELP ME PLEASE!" I yelled seeing her standing in the doorway. I kicked him in his dick making him get off me. "AYE BITCH COME HERE!" He yelled as I ran out the door. I looked back seeing him chasing me. I knew exactly where I was running too, Messiah's house.

After two minutes of running, I ended up losing him. I caught my breath as I stood in Messiah's driveway. I walked to the back of the house and knocked on his window. I would've knocked on his door but his mother isn't eally fond of me considering who my sister is. "Vae what are you doing out here?" He said sliding his window open. "Can I sleep here tonight? I promise I'll be gone before your parents wake up." I said wiping my tears. "Come on." He said helping me in.

"What happened?"

"Same old bullshit with my sister and her drug addict friends." I said. I watched as Messiah grabbed some covers for me and an extra pillow. "Thank you." I said. "Why don't you just call the police on her?" He asked.

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