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~Trevae POV

"Money on my head? Are you serious?"

"As a heart attack. When I was out walking the streets I came across these group of guys. I asked them if they had seen Jet around and they asked me if I was taking him up on his offer too. When I asked what offer he was talking about he said Jet had money on your head."

"Exactly how much money?" I asked.

"A mil."

"A MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS!" I yelled. "I might as well take my own fucking life for a million dollars." I scoffed. "So what are you going to do?" Josh asked. "I think you need to go somewhere safe, avoid being seen." Ramirez said. "I'm not about to go into hiding like some lil bitch."

"So you'd rather be out in public and die. For a million dollars a homeless person would kill you." Xavier said. "I don't know what to do. I'm going to fucking die." I said. "Chill. Just think. Who else do you know that has information on Jet?" My mind went to Jason and Rome. Michael did say they were related as well. "I'll be back."

"Wait. You can't seriously be thinking about walking outside on your own?" Xavier asked. "I don't need to draw attention to myself. Walking with a crowd would do that and get all of us killed." I said. "You need at least one person to be with you for protection." Josh. "Fine. Come on."

Josh and I walked out to one of the black Escalades. "Where are we going?"

"I'll guide you there."


I pulled my hood over my head putting my gun in my pocket. Josh and I walked out the car approaching the security guards. "It's a million dollars on your head. You sure you want to be in public right now?" He said getting out of his seat. "Are you going to shut the fuck up and let me in?" I scoffed. "The kid is here boss." He said through the intercom. "Let her in."

"Who's your friend?" Jason sked looking Josh up and down as we walked in. "Don't worry about him. Where's Rome?" I asked. "Handling business. Did you need something?" He asked. "You knew about Jet but you didn't tell me. Why?"

"I did tell you."

"You warned me about watching who I hang around. You didn't tell me who I was supposed to be looking out for." I said. "So I take it you know now?" He asked. "I know that he put a million dollars on my head. I just don't why. You mind telling me?"

"Well, lets start with the fact that you killed our brother about an hour ago."

"Your brother?"

"CJ. You think you would go unseen?" He asked raising a brow. "Okay, we say it's true that I killed your brother. The hit on me was put out before then. What did I do to piss him off?"

"I ain't no snitch. That's something you have to ask him yourself." He said. "Well he's your brother. Do you know where he is?" I asked. "Who Jet? Right now?" He said looking at his watch.

"He's probably halfway to Texas right now to meet up with your boys." He said. I pulled out my phone calling Khalil.

"You've reached the voicemail box o-" I hung up calling Rondo's phone just to hear the same thing. "You're lying." I said looking up at Jason who had a wide grin on his face. "Well if you want to find out you'd better get moving." He smiled.

I got up running out to my car with Josh. "I need to get to Texas, right now." I said. "Trevae you know that won't happen." He said. "What are you talking about?"

"Texas is a sixteen hour drive and you cant get no flights right now. If you wanted to get to him it would already be too late." He said. "Well I have to figure something out now." I sighed. "How about I get you back to the warehouse and we go from there."

We pulled off and made our way there.


"What's going on?" Xavier asked as we walked in. "Apparently Jet is on his way to Khalil and Rondo. I called them and nobody answered the phone." I said. "Whatever you want from us, you got it." Ramirez said. I walked out the main room of the warehouse. I needed a breather. There's too much going on right now for me to handle. I sat down putting my head in the palms of my hand.

I felt a set of arms wrap around my body. I looked up seeing Xavier. "I can't fucking do this man." I sighed. "Just breathe alright. You have a lot going on." He said. "I have to be tough though. I can't take a break or give up right now. Somebody is on their way to Texas to kill Khalil and Rondo and there is no way for me to contact them. There's a million dollars on my head right now. What's stopping somebody from coming through that door right now and putting my name on a t-shirt." I scoffed looking at the door.

I had to make a double - take.

"Why is that door open?" I asked getting up. "I don't know me and Ramirez didn't leave your office." I walked out and there was no security guarding the door. "Fuck." I grabbed my gun walking around. I didn't know if somebody found there way inside or not. I made my way around to the front of the warehouse.

"Where the fuck is the security that's supposed to be guarding the back door?" I asked. "They aren't back there?" The other guard said. "I should fucking kill you! Do your fucking job right!" I yelled. "All of yall go home. You're fucking useless." I said to all the guards before going back into my office. "We need to find another location." I said.

"Why? What happened?" Josh asked. "It's a possibility that somebody found the warehouse. They could still be in here and I can't take the risk right now of being found." I said. "Well where are we going to go? Jet knows where you live so we can't go back there."

"We can go to you guys hotel room." I said. "We don't necessarily have the fundamentals for this situation. No guns or anything of the sort." Ramirez said. "I have a place where we can stop to get that. Come on." I grabbed my keys and we all walked out to my car driving off.


"Damn this a big ass house. Who's is it?" Xavier asked. "Khalil's old place. There's a secret room in here that had a whole bunch of guns and stuff that we can take." I said. "And he didn't take them?" Josh asked. "He left them for me so I can have them when my secret room got installed." I got out the car.

"Josh can you get those duffle bags out of my trunk please." I said. He grabbed them and we approached the door. "And exactly how are we supposed to get in here?"

"Like this." I kicked the door down. "Excuse the fuck out of me then." Josh said. "Where's the room?"

"Follow me."

I approached the shelf picking up the mug so it could open. "Holy shit." They all said in sync when the door opened. "Yep. Still here."

"Everybody grab a duffle and fill it up with guns. After that, we can head to the hotel." I said to them. I filled up my duffle bag with pistols and machine guns.

After we finished loading up the bags, we got back in the car.


"Damn. This is a nice room." I said once we got inside their hotel. "Expensive as hell. So what's the plan?" Xavier asked. "I tried calling Khalil and Rondo while we were in the car but they still didn't answer. I told myself to not think of the worst situation possible. Because you know they could both be dead or so-" Xavier cut me off. "Trevae just breathe. Lets focus on one thing at a time."

"Okay. I need to find Jet's location. I know some people wh-" I was cut off by a knock on the door. I pulled out my gun. "Y'all expecting company?" I asked looking at all three of them who had a smile on their face. "Somebody fucking answer me." I said. "I'm not expecting anybody."

I approached the door and looked through the peephole. No fucking way.

"And here I was thinking you went soft on a nigga." Khalil said once I opened the door.


~ashkash2 💋

I was gone update twice but I'm tired so I'll do it tomorrow😂But sadly to say the next chapter I post will be the final chapter of Hood Baby. So yes it will be a longer chapter with A LOT of action considering what's going on right now. And for any one confused on that last sentence, yes Khalil is back in town and NOT dead.

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