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~Trevae POV

"So obviously it's been a rough day. We lost two of our new recruits already." I said looking at everybody. "I don't know who shot up the warehouse. It's a lot of unsolved situations that I've been in within the time I've been here. I'll look at the security tapes to see what I find out. Until then, there are a few drop offs that need to be handled so tend to it." I said before walking off to my office.

What type of bullshit is this? People coming back for revenge after Khalil and Rondo left. "They got the security tapes running." Jet said popping his head into my office. I got up following him. "They got on ski-masks so we can't tell who they are. Got a partial on the license plate but that's about it." He said. I re-watched the tape trying to find something that stuck out. "Wait. Pause it." I said. The shooter wasn't wearing gloves and I saw a tattoo on their hands. "Zoom into that tattoo his hand." I said. It was a snake. I felt my heart drop.

"A snake. That's a gang down here or something?" Jet asked. "When I first started there was this guy named Kendrick. He was the last person in charge here." I said. "What happened to him?"

"Long story but he was killed. That's not the point. As my first job he sent me into a house with two mafia bosses to do a deal. There was an altercation between me and the two guys and they were out to get me for a while. They attempted a drive by but they missed and I went into hiding for a while for the sake of not getting killed. After about a week they went silent and we didn't hear anything from them since." I said. "Until now?"

"I remember seeing them with those snake tattoos in the exact same places. Even the security had them." I said. "So that means you know names and faces." Jet said.

"Rome and Jason." I said. "Jason? Describe him." He said. "Uh. He looked like he was in his late thirties. Big, dark skin, bald. There was nothing unique about him." I shrugged but he didn't respond. "Why'd you ask?"

"No reason. You know where they work or any other details about them?" He asked moving. "I remember the mansion they worked at." I said. "If you know how to get there then we can go." I went back into my office grabbing my gun.

"I'll drive." He said. "You don't even know where to go." I said. "You can just give me the directions." He said. "Fine." We got into his car and I directed him to the house.


"They look like they deep in security. How we gone get in?" Jet asked. "You got any type of bag in here?" I asked him. "Bag? What kind of bag?" I asked. "Like a duffel or a big bookbag." I said.

He reached into the backseat pulling out a duffel bag full of money. "I meant an empty duffel but this is even better."


"You're going to go in and say you got something for Jason. That's what the last guy told me to do and that got me in." I said. "Why can't you go in there?" He asked. "Because they know my face. There's no guarantee they'll let me inside."

"And you think they'll let me in. They don't know me." He said. "Why are you being so difficult?"

He didn't see anything. "Fine." I took the duffel bag out of his hands. "I'll do it. They look like new security guards anyway. But you're coming with me." We both got out the car walking down to the door where the security was. "Don't I know you?" The security asked looking at Jet. "Nah."

I looked down at his hand and saw the snake tattoo.

"We got a delivery for Jason. He here?" I asked. He pressed a button on the side of the door. "Aye Jason in there? We got a guy and a girl here with a package." He said speaking into and intercom. "Let them in."

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