~Trevae POV

"H-He's not breathing." I said feeling my heart drop. Kel pressed on the gas speeding. "Put this on the wound. Stop the bleeding. He's already lost enough." Rondo said taking off his hoodie. "Please don't die. I need you." I said looking down at his head laying on my lap. I had tears falling from my face.


With the speed Kel was going, we pulled up to the place within five minutes. Two guys came out with a stretcher. They took him out the car placing him on the stretcher. "Miss you can't come past these steps." One of them said as I walked along side the stretcher. "No I have to go with him." I said. "Trevae nobody can go inside. Besides, I need to ask you some questions." Rondo said approaching me. I walked over to the car where Kel and Andrew were.

"You want a change of clothes? There's a lot of blood on you." Kel asked. "N-No I'm fine." I said. "Okay. Walk me through this completely. What happened?" Rondo asked.

"Khalil was telling me to go into a room leading into the basement. I walked over and the floor creaked and they heard me. My back was turned and Khalil yelled for me to get down. Before I could even move he tackled me and the gunshots went off." I said. "What happened after that?"

"I tried to stop the bleeding but it was gushing out so fast." I said. "No what happened to the shooter?"

"He ran out the door."

"So you didn't kill him?" Rondo said. "I was focused on helping Khalil." I said. "Fuck." He said. "I'll be back." He said getting in the car. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Back to the rec center. Kel come with me. Andrew stay with Trevae. Call me when you've got word on Ace." Kel got in the car and they sped off.

"How could I be so fucking stupid." I sighed. "What you mean?" Andrew asked. "I let the person who could have possibly killed Khalil go." I said. "If you ask me, it wasn't stupid. We can find the fuck nigga who did this anytime. You chose to try to save Ace. Goes to show how much you care." He said.

"I can't lose him. He took me in when nobody else gave a damn about me. He gave me a place to sleep. If it wasn't for him I would probably be homeless still. Or dead."

"Trust me. Ace will pull through."


An hour had passed. Andrew and I were still waiting outside when Kel and Rondo pulled up. "Did you find anything at the rec center?" Andrew asked. "Noting that'll help us find the guy." Kel sighed. The front door opened showing a woman with scrubs on.

"Tell me you got good news Trish." Kel said. "Don't I always." She said with a small smile. "Your guy here is a lucky man. He lost a lot a blood and it's a miracle that he's still alive. One of the bullets went clean through and I had to remove the other one. The bullets didn't do any permanent damage to his body. He needs to rest for about two weeks though. No heavy lifting, no more shootouts." She said.

"He'll be ready to go in a few." She said walking back in the house. "He's going home already?" I asked turning to Kel. "That's the way Trish operates. She doesn't keep patients here. She saves their lives and sends them home. I've been here a few times myself." He said.

"Told you he would pull through." Andrew said walking away to the car. "Go wait in the car. We got this." Rondo said. I went back in the car waiting for Khalil to come out.

~Ace POV

"Glad to see you standing." A lady walked in. "Where am I?" I asked looking around. "My home." She said handing me a shirt. "Fuck." I said wincing in pain as I put it on. "What happened to me?"

"You were shot. Twice. You lost a lot of blood. Your friend Kel brought you here and I saved your life." She said. "Good. They didn't take me to a hospital." I said. "Here's some medication. Take two a day." She said handing me a bag. "I can go now?" I asked making her nod. I walked outside seeing Rondo and Kel. "Let me help you." Rondo said grabbing my arm. "Stop touching me." I said smacking his hand away. "Man you look like shit." Kel said laughing a little. "Fuck you."

I walked to the car getting in. Trevae was sitting in the backseat staring at me. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "I'm fine." Kel and Rondo got in the car and we drove off.


"You heard the doctor now." Rondo said pulling into my house. "No heavy lifting and no more shootouts." He said with a smile. "Shut up." Trevae and I got out the car. "Let me help you." She said noticing how much pain I was in. "I don't need help." I unlocked the door seeing Jayda on the couch. "OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAPPENED!" She said walking towards us. "He was shot."

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Still breathing aren't I." I walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of Vodka. "Are you sure you should be drinking?" Trevae asked. "Yeah you were just shot I don't th-" I cut her off.

"Will both of you please shut the fuck up." I sighed. I took the bottle going upstairs in my room. I went in the bathroom taking off my shirt looking at the wounds on my chest. I closed my eyes hearing the gunshots echo in my head. "Khalil!" The knocking on the door snapped me back. "Whaaatt!" I yelled. "Can you please open the door. I want to talk to you." I drunk out the bottle as I opened the door. "You need something?" I asked letting her in.

"I want to apologize." Trevae said walking in sitting on my bed. "Apologize for what?" I asked after drinking from the bottle again. "If it weren't for me you wouldn't have been shot."

"It's fine kid. Just let it go." I sighed grabbing my gun out the drawer. "What are you doing?"

"Going to the find the fuck nigga that shot me."

"Khalil no. You need to rest. Put the gun down. And the liquor." She said taking both away from me. "I'm fine Trevae. It was just a gunshot. Not like it hasn't happened before." I scoffed. "You stopped breathing Khalil!" She yelled with tears filling her eyes. "You almost died and I feel responsible for it! I almost lost the only father figure I have in my life right now and you're trying to go back there and get hurt again." She said.

"Fine. Can I have my liquor back at least." I said sitting down. "No. Get some rest."

~Trevae POV

I walked out the room going back downstairs. "Jayda I got him to put the bottle down and get some rest." I said putting the bottle back in the kitchen. "Jayda?" I sad realizing there was no response. I heard yelling come from the guest bedroom downstairs. I walked down there to hear better. It was Jayda on the phone with someone.

"No Kevin. I specifically asked you to leave no survivors and now look at what you did."


~ashkash2 💋

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