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~Trevae POV

"So he didn't come to the warehouse last night?" I asked following Andrew around the house. "No Trevae I told you this a million times. I haven't seen Ace since the day you were released." He sighed sitting on the couch. "What did he say last time you talked."

"He said he was coming to get you from the hospital and that I didn't have to worry about it. Said he'll see us at the warehouse that day."

"Have you went to check on him. He's not answering the phone." I said. "Will it make you feel better if we go check on him now?" He asked looking at me. "He said he didn't want me back in his house. I want to make sure he's okay, not piss him off." I said. "Fine, I'll go myself." He said getting up.

"Wait, no I'll go with you." I said. "You just s-" I cut him off. "No I don't think I should." I said shaking my head. "Then do-" I cut him off again. "Never mind I'll go he can't possibly be m-" He cut me off. "TREVAE!" He yelled. "Calm the fuck down. Just get in the car and come on." He grabbed his keys off the counter and walked out.

~Ace POV

My eyes opened from the feeling of a burning sensation on my back. I didn't scream. I didn't show any signs of pain. I'll be damned if I show weakness around this people. My hands were tied up behind a pole and so were my feet. They stripped me of my clothes leaving me in nothing but my draws. "Its about time you got up." The guy said walking in front of me. "I don't believe we've met. My name is Nasir." He said holding his hand out. I just looked at him. He grabbed my hand shaking it himself. "And you are Khalil. I've heard a lot about you." He smiled walking into a closet.

He came back out with a bat. It had nails in it. "I heard bats are your favorite weapon too." He said laughing a little. Must be talking bout Garcia. "Do I know you?" I asked. "Oh he speaks." He said looking surprised. "No sir you don't know me. But I know you." He smiled. "I've been watching you and your crew lately. That girl of yours is a trouble maker. Killing my men. Taking money. Taking product." He said. The fuck is he talking about. "You got a problem with a sixteen year old girl? Grow up." I scoffed. "They told me you were disrespectful." He said sending the bat to my back. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaws trying not to show how much that shit hurt.

"All you had to do was give me the girl." He said sending it to the back of my leg. "This is just lightweight right here." He said making his way back to the front of me. He put the bat down sending a blow to my face. "You won't last." I said spitting out blood. "It'll be mutha fuckas at yo door."

"You think so? Cause from what I've seen you been fucking up with your crew in the last few weeks. They probably would be glad to know you ain't around no more." He smirked.

~Trevae POV

"You getting out?" Andrew said looking over at me. "Yeah." We both got out approaching his door. I rung the doorbell a few times and there was no answer. "Maybe he ain't home." Andrew said. "His car is right there."

"Doesn't he have like ten cars." He asked raising a brow. "Let's just wait a few more seconds. I'll call him again." I pulled out my phone and it went straight to voicemail. "Kick his door down." I said making him raise a brow. "What?"

"You say to kick the door down because knocking is a waste of time. Kick his door down." I said. "You gone be paying to fix this shit. Not me." He scoffed. I backed up and he kicked the door down. "This place is a mess." I said looking around. There was glass all over the floor. Holes in the wall. The furniture was messed up. "I told you something was wrong." I said.

"I'm gonna go look upstairs."

I went upstairs calling his phone one more time and I heard it ringing in the closet. "Khalil you here?" I said walking towards the closet. I opened the door seeing a pool of blood. "ADNREW!" I yelled. He came upstairs. "This is a lot of blood for one person to lose." I said feeling my heartbeat speed up. "I found something." He said handing me a sheet of paper. I read it.

"All he had to do was give up the girl. Now he'll suffer. Bring me the bitch and you'll get your friend back."

"They want me? I haven't even done anything." I said. "Come on let's go to the warehouse. Text Rondo and Kel and tell them to meet us there." We walked out to the car and drove off.


~Third Person POV

"You think he's dead?" Kel asked. "It was a lot of blood Kel. It looks like he got into with some people and they killed him." Andrew said. "Or maybe Ace killed them." Rondo said. "You think he's alive?" Kel asked. "Ace ain't no bitch. He probably had to knock a couple heads in or something."

"Trevae what do you think?" Kel asked making everybody look at her. She was zoned out. "Trevae." Rondo said. "Hmm?" She said snapping back in reality. "What do you think?"

"I think that all of you are fucking stupid. Sitting around wondering whether he's dead or alive when we should be out there finding him. The more we fucking question his life is the longer he could be in danger." She got up and walked off going to her office. Andrew was about to get up and check on her but Rondo stopped him. "I got it." He walked into Trevae's office.

"You good?" Rondo asked. "Do I look like I'm fucking good?" She scoffed. "This ain't your fault." He said sitting down. "Not my fault? The note says they want me not Khalil. It's clearly my fault." She said with tears falling from her eyes. "Man up." Rondo said making her look up. "What?"

"All that crying shit man. You fuck up or do something wrong and you get to doing that crying shit." He said. "Aren't you supposed to be in here to help me?" Trevae asked raising a brow. "I am. You said all we was doing was sitting down making assumptions about whether Ace was dead or alive. Now you sitting in an office crying about whether it's your fault or not. Get off your ass and come on." He said getting up.

Before Trevae could say anything, they heard commotion going on outside. Trevae grabbed her gun from her desk and Rondo grabbed his out of his waistband. They peeked around the corner seeing two people in ski mask and guns.

"WHERE ARE THEY!" One of them yelled. "Man I don't know who you talking about." Kel said.

"That fuck nigga Khalil." One of them said.

"And that bitch Trevae."



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