21 - Under The Sea 🇷🇺🇨🇦

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Russia x Canada again because why not and it's my book lol (requests are needed ;-;)

Being a merman came with perks. Avoiding wars, being a figure of children's imagination before they come to terms with the "real world." Only children could see the merpeople in the waters, but their parents brushed it off as their imagination.

Russia, unsurprisingly, was banned from the main waters of their capital, Aquaria, and swam through he waters of the Earth aimlessly. He played with the baby dolphins and turtles, helping fish out of plastic bags, and having races with the sharks.

He didn't care that whenever he saw a merfamily, they hugged their merlings (baby mermaids/mermen who haven't discovered their gender) closer and swam quicker away. He knew trying to kill the king and his daughters was wrong, but how would he know? He was only ten (three in people years).

Now he was one hundred and six, (twenty to twenty five) and has been living among the sea life for forever. All his memories contained nothing of who his parents were or how to get back to the capital, but he liked it like that.

Until today.

Russia was just swimming along the shoreline, watching the countries talk and swim and laugh. He sat up on a rock like any stereotypical mermaid and watched the people.

One family caught his eye.

It was of four countries, two tall, two short. The tallest was laughing as the slightly shorter one tried to get sand out of his hair. The two shorter ones were making a snd castle while putting the bugs and animals they found on it.

Russia smiled at this. They were happy.

Then, his eyes caught with the shortest one of the family. Their mouth dropped and their eyes went the size of the moon. He tapped the other short one quickly, pointing at Russia.

Russia waved to the family before gracefully diving back into the water. He looked up at the sky. Almost the dark time.

A snake of dread collected at the base of Russia's stomach as he saw a great, white shark start swimming towards him furiously.

One thing Russia did remember was that the castle sharks looked like.

Like this.

Russia spun and started to quickly swim away, beating his tail frantically and looking back sometimes.

It was useless. The shark was right behind him. Russia slowed down, giving into his capturing or death.

Sharp teeth sunk into his arm as he gritted his teeth, trying not to cry out in pain. Blood swirled in the blue water, forever tinting it. The shark reals back and throws Russia out of the water, into the air and hits the hard sand of the beach.

Russia shakily gets up, spitting out the sand and water as he looks back at the ocean. No shark. Blood kept coming out of his arm, making him weak. It clumped up the sand and stained Russia's blue and white tail.

He tried to pull himself back to the water, using his tail the best he could.

"I just forgot something, I'll catch up with you!"

Russia looked up worriedly at the country coming down the path to the deserted beach. He tried to pull himself faster, but that only resulted in more blood loss and dizziness.

"Are you okay?" The country asked, wearily stepping closer.

Russia looked back at him, anger igniting his gaze, "What does it look like, Sherlock?"

It was the one laughing from the beach.

The country was shocked for a second before shaking his head, "Sorry, sorry. I'm Canada, who are you?"

"Russia," Russia spat. He continued to try and pull himself back to the water, but a pair of arms picked him up. "Wait! No, wait!"

"I'm going to fix you up, then you can go home," Canada announced.

"I didn't consent to this!" Russia yelled, trying to get out of Canada's grasp.

Canada carried him the the rest of the countries that were with him at the beach. Russia realized one of them was America. One exact country who killed his father.

How he remembered that, he didn't know.

Once they got to the house, Canada staying in the back, Canada ran a bath and but Russia in the tub. Russia shivered at the warm water when he was used to the cold temperatures of the ocean.

"What happened?" Canada asked as he got a red bag from under the sink.

"Why do you want to know?" Russia snapped, his tail flapping and flicking water at Canada.

Canada sighed, "Keep your secrets." He came over with a small, white cloth, "This might sting." Russia watched Canada carefully as he put the cloth on one of the shark bites.

"Oh great seahorses of Aquaria!" Russia hissed. He but his knuckle, trying to take his mind away from the stinging pain.

"I'm so sorry," Canada said. "It's disinfectant. It will help so it doesn't get worse." He slowly wiped each of the eight punctures in the merman's arm while Russia hissed out curses that Canada could only think were merpeople's way of swearing.

Once he was done, Russia had tears he didn't let fall in his eyes. Canada tied some weird, white cloth around his arm and told him to keep it out of the water. Russia obliged, leaning his head back on the wall and closing his eyes. It had been a while since he got a good sleep.

He started to doze off, trying hard to keep his eyes open, but soon he gives in to the darkness.

"First, you bring a werewolf here and I thought that would be the end! But no! Now it's a mermaid?"

"Correction," Russia said, opening his eyes. "Merman."


Words: 957

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