22 - Perfect Meal 🇨🇦

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Requested by: @XxYoushyxX

My search history contains the phrase "human organ diagram." I think I'm either a writer or a cannibal--


There was a legend. A legend grandmothers told their kids and their kids told anyone who would listen.

"If a CountryHuman is muted from the moment of birth or can climb anything with outstanding speed and little difficulties, it can be a bad sign. The child could be a dangerous cannibal. Or, the genes are simply like this, their strength and awareness develops quicker than their speech."

Most countries shrug it off as a myth, but only a few knew it was true.

When France and Britain had their second child, they were slightly weary. France was always observing the colony, making sure the little boy wouldn't show any of the signs.

But he did.

Canada wouldn't talk for anything and could get up on the couch by the age of eleven months. France was scared for her child, so she brought him to the forest a long way away from any civilization and raised him there by herself.

When Canada turned 14, he started to stray away from "normal food" and bite at his own skin, just to taste it.

What about France? She was there. He could eat her.

Canada got up from his bed and started walking downstairs to his mother who was talking on the phone. He looked up at her with his dull, red eyes.

France hung up and smiled, "out, mon fils? (Yes, my son?)"

Canada made a move to make her come down to his level. France did so, still smiling.

Gore warning

He took a deep breath in, breathing in the sickening smell of her perfume and the underlined intoxicating smell of blood. He grabbed her wrist and bit into it, ripping at the flesh.

France screamed and tried to pull her hand away from her own son. Canada held it tightly, digging his nails in as he swallowed the skin.


Canada kept biting until France fell to the floor. He sat on her hips and lifted her shirt, exposing her stomach. He leaned down and stabbed his nails into the flesh, ripping open her abdomen. He saw all her vital and non-vital organs and his mouth watered. He reached in and took hold of one of her kidneys, pulling it out with a gush of blood splattering across the two countries' clothes.

He bit into the red organ, the blood staining his teeth and splattering his face. He tasted the organ, before throwing it aside.

His body told him that wasn't the best.

Canada pulled out an intestine, licking off the blood before taking a bite out of it. He liked this taste so he quickly finished that organ, licking off his hands like a cat bathes herself. He looked back at the dead body in front of him and something told him to go in again.

He did so, breaking a few ribs to tear at the fragile tissue of France's lungs.

Then he found it. His golden ticket.

Her heart.

It was still slightly beating, trying to pump blood, but it was so slow. He took it in his bloody hand and held it for a minute. Before ripping it out, more crimson liquid spilling over the floor and two countries. Canada bit into the heart, blood running down his chin and dripping into France's open stomach.

He smirked and finished that organ quickly and licking his lips.

There was still more.

But, a phone vibration interrupted his meal. He looked over and saw a text from some "Britain" person. Canada opened France's phone and read the message.

Please, bring Canada back

Canada tilted his head.


Blood covered the screen as he typed.

Send me your address and I'll be there with him.

Britain thanked "France" and typed some random address as Canada cleaned himself up and changed. He walked out of the forest and to Britain's house.

I'm here.

Words: 666 (Oop--)

Oneshots of Whatever (mainly Countryhumans) (Finished-ish)Where stories live. Discover now