51 - New Decorations 🇨🇦

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Canada never left his room. Ever. Only on special occasions like UN meetings or family gatherings. Otherwise, Canada just sat in his room, sharpening his knives and organizing his victims' body parts into opaque jars that he hid in his closet when family came over.

Today, Canada was carefully sharpening his prized possession. His axe. It shone in the faint, pale light from the moon. He stood up and set his axe on his desk, looking out the window. He cracked his knuckles and grabbed a small knife. He sat on his bed and began sharpening that one too.

He finished quickly and set it in his drawer. He picked up one of the jars that had livers in it and opened it, pulling one out slowly. He smiled and placed it in his mouth, closing the jar.

Then, his door slammed open. In shock, Canada dropped the jar, making it crash on the ground, glass and livers scattering everywhere.

America stared at the organs on the ground and locked eyes with Canada. "What the fuck, Canada?" He screeched. "Where the hell are those from?" Canada didn't respond as he stared at the organs scattered on the hardwood. "You're a psychopath!"

Canada slowly lifted his head, looking at America. "I guess I'll need new decorations... You'll have to pay." He grabbed his axe and ran to America, who screamed and ran out into the hallway. Canada ran with grace while America ran into everything. "GET BACK HERE, AMERICAN!" Canada screeched, running quicker.

"DAD! MOM! ANYONE! HELP ME!" America screamed, tears starting to fall from his eyes.

Canada caught onto his hood and yanked him back, causing America to choke and his body to lurch forward. Canada hit his kneecaps and America fell to the ground, trying to get away from his insane brother. Instead, Canada got overtop of America and slammed his axe down on America's head and chest multiple times, causing blood to fountain out of his head. The crunching of bone and the gorey sound of blood echoed through the main floor.

With one last, ruthless hit, Canada stood up fully, looking down at America's body. He sighed happily, kneeling down. He kissed America gently, his lips only meeting distorted muscle.


"Mon Dieu..."


Canada looked over at Britain, France, and Aussie. "Do you want to be in my collection too?" He asked, standing up. Instantly, they all went running upstairs. "Fuck..." Canada whispered. He walked up the eerily creaky stairs, running his bloody axe across the walls. "Come out, come out wherever you are~" he giggled, opening the bathroom's door.

No one.

Canada moved to his parents' room, slowly opening the door with a low creak. He stepped in and listened to the quiet or any sounds. His head snapped to the closet when he heard a sniffle. He stalked to it, dragging his axe on the ground.

"France~" he said lowly. "Come out..." He grasped the handle and ripped open the door, locking eyes with Aussie. The smaller country screamed and and tried to push himself away, but Canada grasped his neck and pulled him out. He tightened his grip so Aussie was gagging and choking. "What a pretty sight~" he hummed. Canada loosed his grip and walked to the hallway again, a crying Australian in his hand.

He walked around the top floor of his house, finding his parents soon huddled in the corner of America's room. Canada tossed Australia to France and Britain, having him land harshly on the floor.

"Now, you follow my orders or else I will cut off one finger of each of your hands," Canada hissed. He pointed to the desk and two extra chairs, "Sit." The three did as they were told and Canada wrapped ropes around them tightly. "Father, you are going to watch me torture your wife and son for cheating on France with Ireland," Canada said simply, grabbing his axe.

Britain's eyes widened, but he couldn't protest because of the rope gag. France gave his a disbelieving look and Australia was still shaking in fear.

France looked at Canada, "Let me help." Canada smiled and undid her ropes, helping her stand up. "Merci, Canada," she said. "Knife?" Canada gave her a kitchen knife and she glared at Britain, "Did you?"

Britain frantically shook his head, tears gathering in his eyes. France hummed and traced his hand with the knife.

"How do you know he did, mon fils? (My son?)" France asked.

Canada showed France his phone, pictures of Britain and Ireland kissing, fucking, and sleeping together.

France instantly turned to Britain and slammed the knife on to Britain's finger, causing it to fall the the ground. A blood-curdling scream came from Britain.

That was just the start of their game.

Words: 799

Oneshots of Whatever (mainly Countryhumans) (Finished-ish)Where stories live. Discover now