1 - Prologue

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Running. It was all she could do. She ran, her legs wanting to give out as she continued. The dark forest around her felt as if it was moving at a snails pace. She could hear the loud howls, the thundering noise behind her. As she ran she tripped over a tree branch, she lifted her head to see the dark figure looming over her. Eyes red, extremely sharp teeth dripping blood as it opened its mouth.

Shizuha shot up in a cold sweat, looking around her room. She looked down to see Soyeon sleeping peacefully next to her. Her chest was heaving as she panted, she needed water. She got out of bed, quietly walking to the kitchen.

She stared at the glass of water as she rested her head on the counter. She had a massive headache. The reoccurring nightmares were something that she needed to speak to her mother about, but she never had the time. Both of them were working hard in their respected fields... Sana leading their pack while Shizuha helped Momo with training the next generation of leaders.

"Shi-tan?" She looked up, seeing her mate rub her eyes as she peered around the corner. "Another nightmare?" She whispered.

"It's fine." Shizuha whispered. "I'm fine." She sighed. Soyeon shook her head, walking closer to her. Her arms wrapping around her mate's torso from behind.

"The bed is cold without you." She whispered.

"I'm sorry.." Shizuha sighed.

"Don't be." Soyeon pressed her lips against the back of her neck, wanting to comfort her. "You should talk to your mother about this... Maybe she knows why." She hinted. Shizuha nodded her head, wanting to find the time.

"I just need to... Meet with her." She sighed. She hadn't seen her mother in over a year. She saw her other mother almost everyday. She hated how busy she was.

"Find the time, or make the time. I can't keep seeing you like this." Soyeon frowned. "Now come on. It's three in the morning and we both have work." She took Shizuha's hand in hers, leading her back to their bedroom.

Momo stood on a boulder, watching the simulated fight with Yukime and Shizuha next to her. The three of them pointing out faults, and strong alphas in the mix.

"Stop!" Momo yelled out. The alphas in front of them stopped, looking to their leaders. "It's sloppy. All of your techniques are disgusting." She growled. "Fifty push ups! Now!" She commanded.

"Auntie Momo, don't you think that's a little much?" Yukime frowned at her.

"Sana and I went through much worse, much younger. These alphas can handle it." She muttered. "Shizuha, find the weakest and bring them to me." She demanded.

"Yes Auntie." Shizuha whispered.

"How come we're exempt from training?" Yukime asked her.

"Sana is the first leader of this pack. Any pups born from her are taken out of the training program." Momo explained. "If both of you were alphas... it would be different." She sighed. "Technically... Children born from the leader are kicked out of the pack." She frowned. Yukime frowned, staring at her aunt.

"Where would we go?" She asked.

"To start a new one..." Momo shook her head. "But since Sana changed the laws, you three got to stay, with the clause that you three would never have the chance to lead the pack. Especially since Shizuha is a Zeta..." Momo frowned, shaking her head. "This is conversation for your mother. Not from me." She sighed.

Yukime nodded, looking away from her aunt and watched her sister scout for the weakest of the pack. Eventually she found them, dragging the runt up to Momo. Who in turn, forced them into submission, failing the alpha to train further.

Yukime walked next to Shizuha on their way home, stopping by their mother's bakery. They smiled when they saw her, immediately going behind the counter and washing up before helping her.

"Ah, you two." Mina chuckled.

"Let me do it." Yukime smiled while taking the dough from her mother. "I like kneading it." She pressed the dough with her hands, feeling delighted with how satisfying it was.

"How was work?" Mina asked them.

"Auntie Momo is failing alphas left and right. They can't get passed her submission." Shizuha frowned.

"Yeah, her eyes shift to that red, and bam they're done for." Yukime chuckled.

"Why does she keep doing that?" Mina asked.

"If they can't pass Momo's submission, they for sure won't pass Sana's." Yukime laughed.

"Oh it's not hard." Mina smirked. Shizuha pushed her mother slightly, laughing with her sister. The two helped as much as they could, Mina talking with them and allowing them to steal a few sweets in the process. "So, not that I'm pushing or anything... Because I'm not." Mina started.

"Mama... no." Yukime frowned.

"I'm just curious as to when I'm going to see grand pups is all." Mina laughed.

"Mama.." Shizuha whined. "Come on! We're both barely twenty five... give us a break." She chuckled nervously.

"Yeah! We don't have time for pups anyway." She shrugged. Mina raised an eyebrow at them, watching them both shuffle nervously.

"Need I remind you I was younger than both of you when I had you two." Mina looked away from her daughters, focusing on icing a loaf in front of her.

"Would that make you happy mama?" Shizuha asked her. "Grandpups?" She continued.

"No." Mina answered. "It wouldn't. Because I know you would only have them at my sake and not because you guys want to be parents." She sighed.

"We want to be parents! Just not now!" Yukime growled, pressing her hands further into the dough. "Why do you keep pressuring us to have pups? We have mates like you wanted!" She took off her apron, slamming it down on the counter before leaving the bakery. Shizuha shook her head, walking to her mother.

"Mama..." she whispered.

"I'm okay. I've dealt with worse." Mina gave her daughter a small smile. Placing a hand on her cheek. "She's going through a lot right now. I know."

"Okay." Shizuha hugged her mother, nuzzling into her neck. "When is mom free? I haven't seen her in ages." She smiled.

"She comes back tonight, so maybe tomorrow?" Mina shrugged her shoulders. "Come by for dinner, being Soyeon. I miss the girl." She smiled.

"Okay mama."

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