6 - Pups

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Shizuha had frequent meetings with the oracle. Needing to know how to fix everything. On top of her frequent meetings, she had met with adoption agencies with Soyeon.

After being denied four times, they had finally been approved for two pups.

"We're going to be parents!!" Soyeon squealed while holding Shizuha's hands. "Finally." She sighed.

"I know. It feels like ages." Shizuha whispered.

The two had waited a while, both of them setting up more and more meetings to prepare themselves to be parents. It wasn't until two months later when they finally met the pups.

"I'm nervous." Soyeon whispered.

"Me too. But it's going to be okay." Shizuha nuzzled her mate, getting her to calm down slightly.

"Here they are." The adoption agent smiled while holding two toddlers. "They still don't have scents, so they will be able to pick up on yours." He explained.

"They're adorable..." Shizuha cooed. The agent set them down, letting them toddle over to the young couple. "How old are they?" She asked.

"Sihyeon is two, and Mia is one." He answered.

Soyeon picked up the littler one, Mia, and held her. Immediately she clung to her, nuzzling her little baby face into her neck.

"Mia is the same classification as you Soyeon." The agent explained. "The mother gave her up when she found out."

"Aw..." She whimpered at the thought of giving up the precious angel.

"What about Sihyeon?" Shizuha asked. "What is she?"


"I've never heard anything about that one..." Soyeon frowned.

"Basically, she can pass for a Beta due to her scent being similar, she will have extremely sharp teeth like a Zeta, goes through heat cycles four times a year but in shorter spans." He explained. "We had to do a lot of research when they were dropped off." He sighed.

"I can imagine." Shizuha chuckled, holding her hands out for Sihyeon. She wandered over, smiling at Shizuha clapping her hands. "They're too cute for words." She giggled quietly.

Within a few weeks, they had brought the two home, both of them wandering the house with their new mothers.

"And this is your room." Shizuha whispered while opening the door to the pastel color themed room. She immediately reached for the stuffed rabbit on the bed. "You like the rabbit?" Shizuha whispered. She nodded as the rabbit was handed to her, holding it tightly in her arms.

"Sister." She mumbled through her pacifier.

"Mia? She has her own room too" Shizuha walked across the hall, seeing Soyeon bouncing Mia as she clutched onto a stuffed dog. "See, right here." She smiled.

"I don't know how to show a baby anything." Soyeon frowned.

"Just gotta point and say look." Shizuha smiled. "Look." She pointed at the stuffed giraffe in the corner, getting a squeal from Sihyeon and Mia.

"Ah, I wish I had siblings. That would've taught me something." She chuckled.

"Just think, you'll be an expert in no time." Shizuha smiled.

It had been a few weeks, letting their children settle into their home, getting into a routine for everyone. Soyeon and Shizuha had both taken time off of work to raise their children together, both of them focusing on researching their classifications to make sure they were prepared enough for them.

"Iota's are another one that's created from classification breeding." Shizuha mumbled while scrolling through the article on her laptop.

"What types?" Soyeon asked her.

"Omega and a Beta. So, just like your parents, you have the traits to be an alpha, while she has more omega type." Shizuha explained.

"Except I have an omega scent." Soyeon chuckled. Shizuha shrugged her shoulders, watching their kids playing on the floor with their toys. They had invited Yukime and her mate over for dinner, introducing family little by little, just to get the girls used to people.

"They're so adorabe!" Yeji gasped when she saw Mia. Sihyeon hid behind Shizuha's legs, clutching onto them as if they were her life support. She started trembling, causing her to lift her up.

"What's her deal?" Yukime frowned.

"No idea..." Shizuha frowned. Soyeon noticed how she was acting, and held out her arms. She passed the still shaking toddler to her mate, watching her calm instantly in her arms. "How..?" She frowned.

"Omega scent." She whispered.

The little families talked at dinner, Sihyeon sticking close by Soyeon, wanting to feel calm with her mother. Mia on the other hand was enjoying the attention, taking up most of Yeji's time, harassing her for more and more attention.

"I swear, at this rate, she's going to end up coming home with us." Yukime chuckled to her sister. Shizuha laughed, watching the interaction.

"Why don't you two have pups? Yeji seems to love them." Shizuha asked quietly.

"Just a delay right now. We need to figure out some things before we actually do anything... Since we're both alphas.. We end up hurting each other more than anything else." Yukime admitted quietly.

"Grandpa and Grandma were both alphas and still had pups... Why not ask them?" Shizuha frowned. Yukime facepalmed herself, not realizing the obvious people to ask. "You forgot didn't you." She laughed.

"A bit yes. Because they're our grandparents! It's weird asking them those things." She shrugged. Shizuha shook her head, laughing at her sister.

"Do you not remember when we went to visit one summer and grandpa sat us down and gave us the talk without mama or mom knowing?" Shizuha laughed. Yukime had just taken a sip of her water, practically spitting it out in the process of trying to contain her laughter.

"God, grandpa is so weird." She laughed. "But it was effective." She smirked. Her eyes went around the table, landing on her mate playing peek-a-boo with little Mia in her arms. She smiled at the thought of having pups on her own with her. She just needed time.

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