3 - Oracle

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Yukime and Shizuha walked to the oracle's building, hoping for answers. Shizuha had confided in her sister, hoping she would understand everything. She didn't have nightmares, but if their mother had some kind of darkness, she wanted to be sure that she didn't have anything either.

"Ah, twins of the leader... What can I assist you with?" The elderly woman asked without moving from her seat.

"Oracle..." Both girls bowed to the elder.

"No need for formalities." The elder chuckled, "Although I appreciate it." She waved her hand, allowing them to sit in front of her.

"I've... Been having nightmares... The same one." Shizuha frowned. "My mother says there might be a darkness in me that she had as a child." She explained. The oracle frowned, remembering the young leader approaching her, terrified out of her mind for what was going on inside of her. Now her daughter was here, asking for help... The same way her mother once did.

"You are much older than your mother when she found out about the darkness inside of her." She whispered. "But it is both a good and bad thing." She shook her head, waving her hand and dropping purple dust into the fire. A large cloud of smoke appeared in front of them, pictures forming in them.

"Whoa..." Yukime whispered.

"Whoa indeed." The oracle chuckled. "Your family line was pure for the longest time, high alpha after high alpha, until several generations ago, one mated with a zeta." She explained. "The result were more high alphas, but with the imperfection, a darkness was formed. Angry with the imperfection. But only when the new zetas were born did the darkness take them over. They went on a rampage, killing anything and everything in sight, until killing themselves, erasing themselves from the family line." She explained.

Shizuha looked at the pictures, her own ancestors killing their family... Because of the darkness...

"What do I need to do... to get rid of it?" She frowned.

"The last zeta of your family, secluded himself, only appearing during the war of the alphas, and then retreating back to the mountains." The oracle whispered.

"You're telling us, that the mountain man legend is our great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather?!" Yukime gasped. The oracle nodded, looking at the two. "Mom sure likes to lie to us." She frowned while looking at her sister.

"She didn't know." The oracle explained. Her eyes looked at the younger, seeing her worried expression.

"What's going to happen to me if I keep going the way I'm living?" She asked.

"I may have the answers to all questions... But this one.." She frowned, reaching for an red powder. She threw it in the fire, watching a new vision appear. Her family appeared, but going backwards, to when they were children, Masashi and Yukime were there.. But not her... Her eyebrows stitched together watching the vision carefully. "You weren't supposed to live..." The oracle's eyes shifted, looking at the younger.

"What?" Shizuha frowned.

"Your mother... She wasn't supposed to have twins." She whispered, both girls watched the vision. "She was only supposed to give birth to twins, the weaker one to die at birth." She explained. Yukime looked at her sister, seeing the panic in her eyes. "But somehow... You survived..." She whispered. She looked back down at the younger, motioning for her to come closer. She grabbed her cheeks, staring into her eyes. "The darkness has already consumed you..." She pushed her away, pointing towards the door. "Leave." She commanded. Shizuha stumbled backwards, tears falling from her eyes as she ran out.

Yukime watched as her sister practically sprinted out of the building. She looked back at the oracle, afraid of what was next.

"And you." The oracle whispered. "Your mate needs you. Don't hide from her." She growled.

"But she's terrifying..." Yukime whispered. "Especially when she's in a rut..." She frowned.

"You survived once didn't you?" The oracle stared into her eyes, Yukime nodding slowly. "She needs you. Go to her."

Shizuha sat in the fields, under a giant tree, watching the children of the town run through. All of them playing together like their own little pack. Each one understanding one another and communicating without talking. Almost like a family.

"Hey. I got your message." Shizuha looked up, seeing her mate sit next to her. "Are you okay?" She frowned. Shizuha shook her head, looking down at her hands. "What happened?" She frowned.

"The oracle said that I wasn't supposed to live... I should've died at birth... Mama didn't tell me that.." She frowned at her mate, tears filling her eyes.

"We need to talk to your mom... Get some answers then." Soyeon stood up, her eyes catching something new. "I see your brother." She smiled. "AND HE'S WITH A GIRL!" She gasped. Shizuha pulled her mate down, turning to see Masashi holding hands with a girl. "Look at him!!! He's adorable!!" She squealed.

"He's initiating everything..." Shizuha gasped. "He's not supposed to!" She giggled.

"Isn't she an alpha?!" Soyeon asked. Shizuha nodded, looking at the two walking. "Should we say something?" She asked.

"God no. Just wait." She whispered. The two watched the couple, both of them sitting at the edges of their seats and let out a squeal when they saw Masashi kiss the alpha.

"Ahh!!" Soyeon squealed. "He's adorable!"

"Do you think she imprinted on him?" Shizuha asked quietly. Soyeon shrugged, watching the two.

"They're adorable." Soyeon smiled. "Not as adorable as us though." She winked. Shizuha smiled, pulling her mate down to sit on her lap. "I smell you." Soyeon whispered, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's getting worse." She laughed.

"Stop... My rut is like next week. You're so lucky you don't have anything like this." Shizuha pouted, hiding her face from her mate. Soyeon sighed, moving a few strands of hair out of Shizuha's face.

"As grateful as I am that I don't have to deal with ruts and experience heat cycles... I really wish I could sometimes." She sighed. "Come on. We can go break another bed." She winked while standing up. Shizuha immediately blushed, looking away from her. She didn't like that at all about herself. Losing control the way she does when she's in a rut. But she couldn't help herself.

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