22 - Dawn

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Sana let out a loud snarl, dodging the attacks. She had to admit to herself that she was older, she needed more time to react, but she still had it. Until she felt a sharp pain in her side, causing her to stumble. She caught herself before falling completely, feeling the blood beginning to pool out. It was warm and sticky, her shirt sticking to the wound now. 

"You're slow now old leader." the figure mocked. 

"I will protect my pack till death." Sana growled. "No matter how slow I am." She warned. 

"Just like the oracle said.. The dark will over come the weak." It growled. 

"The oracle also said that the light will diminish the dark." Sana looked up, seeing Shizuha at the edge of the clearing. "You have a few minutes before sunrise." She smirked while stepping closer. "You forced me to live in the dark.. Making me fear myself over anything else..." She growled. "Hurt my mate... And killed my daughter." She snarled. 

Sana watched as her daughter's scent was slowly released, the winter scent quickly shifting into a harsh blizzard scent. She smiled slightly, knowing she was going to get extremely angry now. 

"It's time all of this ended." Shizuha growled. "Just because you fell in love with a high alpha.. Doesn't mean we should be cursed for eternity and erased from our lives." She hissed. 

"Imperfection! Both of you!" The figure shouted. 

"Well this imperfection is the leader of this pack." Sana chuckled. 

"And this imperfection is going to kill you." Shizuha lunged at the figure, forcing it to step back into the little streaks of light that came through the trees. The figure had taken on a new shape, the male. Snarling and attacking Shizuha with it's own might and will to live, forcing them to tumble down a small hill in the clearing. Sana forced herself up, ignoring the pain in her side now. She needed to help her daughter. 

The sky above them had turned into the light blue grey, slowly shifting into the pinks and purples. Sana smiled at it, knowing they only needed to last a few more minutes in the clearing. Once the figure had touched the little rays of light, it let out a shriek, hissing in pain as a part of it was gone now. 

Shizuha lifted her hand, forming a fist before landing a rather hard blow to the side of the head of the figure. It stumbled back, Sana pushing the still wounded figure into the larger ray of light coming through the trees. Another loud shriek was heard, until it was silent and the figure was nowhere to be seen. 

"Is it finally over...?" Shizuha whispered. 

"I think so.." Sana let out a sigh of relief before falling to her knees. Shizuha ran over, helping her mother up. 

"Let's go home." She whispered. 

When they arrived back in the village, they both went for the medics. Sana was taken to the hospital while Shizuha was checked for literally everything. Living in the woods for years had definitely taken a toll on her. Both had stayed in the hospital for two weeks before being cleared to go home. 

Mina welcomed her mate home with open arms, holding her close and inhaling her scent. 

"Promise me you'll never leave me like that again..." Mina whispered. 

"I promise." Sana whispered, resting her forehead against her mate's. 

Shizuha hesitated, watching Soyeon shift nervously across the room. Sihyeon had noticed her energy, and grabbed her mother's hand to drag her closer. She reached out for her other mother's hand and allowed them to feel what the other was feeling. Shizuha frowned, feeling Soyeon's nerves. Soyeon could feel Shizuha's but could also feel the overwhelming amount of love from her. 

"Mama loves you mommy..." Sihyeon whispered before letting go of their hands. 

"How about you go to your room.. Let mommy and I chat for a bit." Shizuha whispered. Sihyeon nodded, running to her room. 

"She's hiding in the hallway." Soyeon whispered. 

"I know." Shizuha chuckled. Soyeon sat next to her, close but still far enough to escape if need be. "I.. I don't remember a lot." Shizuha admitted. "I remember being with auntie Momo when the mountain side caved in." She frowned. "And waking up beyond our borders in Northern Territory.." She explained. "Everything else after that is.. Dark... Foggy even." She frowned. "But whatever I did to you when I wasn't in control.. I'm so sorry..." She whispered. 

Soyeon saw the tears in her eyes. She was trying so hard to remember everything... Unlike when she had seen her last, it was like she wanted to know everything she had done... Soyeon reached out, touching her mate's arm gently. 

"At first.. I didn't want to think you were hurting me... I just thought... You were in a.. long rut really.." She chuckled. "Then.. When I saw the possession marks... I knew it wasn't you..." She whispered. 

"I'm so sorry.." Shizuha sniffed. 

"It's okay... We can get through this." Soyeon gave her a small smile, letting herself slowly trust her again. They heard a small fit of giggles from behind the couch, earning smiles from the parents. "I wonder if Sihyeon is still in her room." Soyeon smirked. 

"I hope so. I told her to go there... And if she didn't listen..." Shizuha smiled. They heard a small gasp, and then tiny feet running down the hallway. "Quite the troublemaker already." She chuckled. 

"Always has been." Soyeon sighed. "Her and Mia were always getting into some kind of trouble." She sighed. Shizuha frowned, holding Soyeon's hand in hers. 

"We can get through this together..." Shizuha whispered. "It shouldn't have happened... It really shouldn't have..." She shook her head, tears falling from her face now. The two cried together, Shizuha pulling Soyeon into a much needed embrace. That's when Soyeon knew. This entire time she needed her mate to help her through the entire process. "I know we can never replace our pup.. But... When the time feels right... We can adopt again." Shizuha whispered. "I want to raise another pup." She pressed her lips against Soyeon's temple, calming her slightly. 

"I would like that." She looked up, a small smile on her lips.

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