8 - Grief

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Sana held Mina as she cried. No one could console her properly. And how could they? She just lost her daughter. Both of them were increasingly upset, Sana sending search parties out to at least recover the body.

Momo and Sana had went to Soyeon's house, Momo afraid to say anything, Sana explained everything. All she could do was let out a gut wrenching sob. Her mate. Her mate was gone.

When Momo had gone home for the night Dahyun met her with open arms, holding her tightly as she cried. Tadashi, their only son, watched from afar, seeing how upset his mother was with the whole ordeal.

"I'm joining the search party." He finally spoke.

"You will do no such thing!" Momo snapped.

"I want to find my cousin! What if she's alive?!" He yelled, matching her anger. Momo snarled at him, forcing him into a submission.

"You will do no such thing." She growled at him. He whimpered at her dark red eyes, stepping back until he could breathe again. "You will stay where it's safe. In the village." She spoke. Dahyun frowned, knowing that she was being overprotective now.

"Tadashi." Dahyun called. Her son ran to her, no matter how tall he was, he still always attempted to make himself small after his mother would yell at him. She held him, calming him down. No matter if he was a high alpha or not, his mother terrified him.

Soyeon sat on the living room floor, watching the girls play quietly in front of her. She couldn't even smile at them like she used to. All she could think about was Shizuha laying on the floor with them, playing with them, making them smile and laugh. Mia turned her head at her mother, smiling at her. Soyeon gave her a small forced smile, not allowing her to see that she was being eaten away on the inside.

After a few days, they had given up on the search, not finding any trace of Shizuha, or the bear. The entire pack mourned for their loss. Soyeon stayed quiet, holding Mia in her arms with Sihyeon staring at the casket. The empty casket.

"She had daughters?" A pack member whispered behind her.

"The poor girl... She's raising the children on her own..." Another mumbled.

"She's going to need help."

Soyeon was dragged out of listening to the pack members when Mina approached her. She engulfed her in a hug, placing her hand on Mia's head.

"You can live with us until you feel ready." Mina offered. "We can help with the pups."

"Thank you..." She sniffed, silent tears running down her face.

Shizuha attempted to open her eyes, pain flooding her senses. She decided it was best to keep her eyes shut, just to bare with the pain. She heard the crackling of a fire, feeling somewhat warm. She felt something soft draped over her, but she just couldn't find the strength to move any part of her body. She stayed still, her entire body aching.

"She hasn't moved in five days... Do you think we should call it?" A woman's voice was soft, catching her attention...

"No. She's breathing." A male's voice replied to her. More gruff, deeper even.

"Mommy... Is she going to be okay?" A little voice was heard.

"Go outside, go play." The woman's voice was barely a whisper now. Shizuha heard little footsteps run further away from them. Her heart ached, she missed her mate and pups... She needed to be with them. It was going to be a terrible winter, especially if the virus was still going around. She desperately wanted to move, but she just couldn't.

Soyeon rubbed Mia's back as she continued coughing. Mina held the thermometer in her hands, frowning at the temperature.

"Still?" Soyeon frowned.

"It's gone down, but not enough." Mina shook her head. "She needs to see a doctor. It's been days Soyeon.." She whispered. She finally gave in, still hesitant on the entire idea of someone else touching her pup. Even though she didn't give birth to them, she still felt a connection with them.

They sat in the waiting room, Sihyeon sitting on Mina's lap, her eyelids fluttering as she fought sleep. Their names were eventually called, Mina staying out with Sihyeon.

"Sister..." Sihyeon frowned, holding out her little hands for Mia.

"She'll be back." Mina cooed, comforting the little girl. She was happy that there was a bond already with the grandpups. She just hoped that it wouldn't get in the way of anything.

After an hour, Soyeon walked out holding a teary eyed Mia, two bandaids on her arm with a packet of stickers in her tiny hands.

"Is she going to be okay?" Mina asked her.

"Yeah.. It's what everyone else is getting here." She sighed. "Can you hold her while I get everything sorted?" Mina nodded, holding out her other arm for the baby. She nuzzled the little one, not caring if she got sick. Mia showed her the stickers, babbling with her stuffed nose. She glanced down, seeing Sihyeon visibly calm down with Mia sitting in front of her. Mia handed her one of the stickers, babbling away as she sniffled.

"They're adorable." A woman smiled at Mina.

"Thank you." She chuckled.

"Are they yours?" She asked. Mina let out a laugh, shaking her head.

"No, no. Mine are all grown. These are my grandpups." She chuckled. The woman laughed, shaking her head.

"My apologies. You look familiar.." She whispered.

"I'm Sana's mate." Mina answered quietly. "I just hide from the world." She smiled. The woman's eyes widened, shocked to see their pack leader's mate out and about with another person other than her mate.

"And you're just... with a stranger?" She frowned.

"No... My daughter's mate..." Mina frowned. Soyeon approached them, glancing at Mina, seeing her confused expression. It was one of the few reasons why Mina never went out and made herself known to the pack. People were so judgmental.

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