23 - The End

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"I swear if you apologize one more time." Shizuha chuckled. Momo shook her head, looking out at the coast line with her niece. "Mom told me that she came down here after the war." She sighed. 

"Yeah... She dragged me out here at five in the morning..." Momo smiled. "She was worried honestly." She whispered. "Worried how I was going to be after the war, how Mina was going to be... How you guys were going to be.." She nudged Shizuha, smiling at her. "You guys turned out fine.... For what its worth." Momo laughed. 

"Yukime... How is she? I haven't seen her since... Well everything." She frowned. "And Masashi." She added. 

"Yukime had her first pup... Cutest little boy." Momo smiled. "Masashi had a boy too. Finally mated the girl." Momo chuckled. "Both of them show strong alpha qualities. Poor Masashi." She continued to laugh. Shizuha nodded her head, looking down at the sand below them. "You should see them... It'll mean a lot to them." Momo suggested. 

"What if... After everything.. They don't want me around?" Shizuha let out a small sigh. "I've caused so much suffering..." 

"The battle of the dark and light is already being taught to the children in the education system. Teaching them to not feel guilty for their ancestors actions. Teaching them to accept who they are... And living with what they have. To find the light in the dark." Momo explained. "You and Sana both found light in your darkness. Both being your family." She smiled. Shizuha looked up at her aunt, raising an eyebrow at her. "What?" She chuckled. 

"Mama told me you were smart, never wise." She chuckled. "And only when you wanted to be." She smirked. Momo let out a nervous laugh, kicking the sand under her feet. 

"There's a reason why your mother kept me as a leader after she was appointed Alpha Leader." Momo chuckled. "For that exact reason." She smiled. 

Shizuha felt a nervous feeling building in her stomach. She ran her hand through her hair as she paced in the kitchen, waiting for the timer to go off. Soyeon chuckled, stopping her mate from pacing and wrapped an arm around her waist. 

"You're going to be fine. Yukime and Yeji are excited for this. Masashi and Shuhua are too." Soyeon whispered in her ear. "And if you don't stop, Sihyeon will come in here and force you to calm down." She warned. 

"I don't want that again." Shizuha whispered. 

"Then take a deep breath, they're your family." She smiled. "Just because they're bringing pups with them does not mean you should be nervous." Shizuha nodded, hoping her mate was right. "Come on, help me with the food." She smiled. "Or Tsukiko will be angry with us both for not having dinner ready." 

"Tsukiko is a demanding child." Shizuha chuckled. 

It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. Sihyeon came running from her room to open the door, smiling when she saw her aunts. Yukime pulled her into a hug, earning a giggle from the girl as she stepped in. 

"Where are your parents?" She asked. 

"In the kitchen!" Sihyeon giggled while hugging Yeji. "Hi Keiji." Sihyeon waved at her little cousin. 

"Hi." He mumbled before walking in. 

Yukime peeked into the kitchen, seeing Shizuha holding a pot while Soyeon scraped the rest of the food onto a bigger dish. She smiled, seeing the normal light in her eyes again. 

"So... Child slavery is a thing in this house?" She joked. 

"You know very well that we pay them a decent wage for answering the door." Soyeon laughed. 

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