11- New Lives

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Shizuha was walking, with the help of crutches she was able to navigate the cabin, Daniel laughing and egging her on as she walked. She was finally able to see the village she was in too.

Snow covered cabins all over the place. People bundled up as they walked outside. Children throwing snowballs at each other, giggling and screaming outside. She smiled at the children, feeling a pain in her chest. She didn't know why, but she felt sad while watching them.

"You're what?!" Sana gasped.

"Leaving... I.. I can't stay here anymore. I have no ties to the pack." Soyeon frowned. "I'm going to take the girls with me, and we're going to start over somewhere else..." she sighed.

"Are you sure?" Mina frowned. Soyeon nodded, she felt it was the only way to continue her life.

"She's not coming back..." Soyeon finally sighed. "I think it's best this way... I can visit... Let you guys see your grandpups..." She whispered. "I think it's... Its just better this way." She frowned. Mina walked around the table, wrapping her arms around the young girl. She cried into her arms while Mina comforted her.

"It's okay." Mina cooed.

A whole year had gone by, Soyeon had settled herself back near her parents. A small place with nothing too fancy. Sana had set up an account for her, since Shizuha was her daughter, she felt responsible for taking care of her Grandpups now. Even if they were in another country now.

"Mommy.. I'm hungry." Sihyeon muttered.

"Dinner is almost done." She told her quietly. "Can you wake up your sister nice for me?" She asked. Sihyeon nodded running to their shared room. She saw Mia napping peacefully in her bed, so she approached her quietly, her eyes flicking colors before she touched her arm.

"Mia... Mommy says you have to get up now." She shook her sister gently until her eyes slowly opened. "Mia!" She giggled. "Come. Eat time." She smiled.

Mia followed behind her sister, still obviously very tired as she walked. Soyeon set up the table, getting both girls in their special chairs before anything else.

"Okay. There we go." She whispered. Sihyeon and Mia immediately dove into their food, picking out the vegetables and only eating the rice. Soyeon didn't even know why she tried to feed them vegetables anymore. They just had a sense for when they were there.

"Mommy! Look!" Mia giggled while holding her chopsticks up to her mouth. "I have fangs like grandma!" She giggled. Soyeon chuckled, laughing at the toddler. Sana's incisors weren't that long, but it was adorable.

"Mommy.. Who is that?" Sihyeon pointed at the picture on the wall in the dining room.

"That's mama. We've been over this sweetheart.." Soyeon whispered. Sihyeon shook her head, looking away from her mother.

"Where is mama?" She frowned.

"In a special place... We can't see her, but she's always with us." She sighed. Sihyeon nodded, looking up at the photo. Her eyes flicked colors again, this time a lighter shade of brown to match the photo.

Shizuha wandered through the village, only few memories would go through her mind. She didn't know who the people were, but she had the memories of herself as a child, running with another girl and an older woman scolding them for running in the house.

"Winter! Glad to see you up again." The leader smiled at her.

"Glad to be out." Shizuha sighed.

"What's troubling you?" He frowned.

"I feel like I'm missing so much of my life right now." She sighed. "Others are with families.. I feel like a burden.." she frowned.

"Your memories will come in time. Trust me." He sighed. He placed a hand on her shoulder, hoping to give her some comfort. She ended up shrugging him off, wandering out into the woods.

She wished she knew where her home was. She wished she could stop the aching feeling in her chest. When her ruts came, all she wanted was to be secluded. She didn't know how to handle herself anymore. She just.. didn't know.

Mia watched her sister as their mother scolded her. Sihyeon had just wanted to go outside, but their mother had told them both no. She watched as Sihyeon's eyes flicked colors again, a strong wave of emotion overcoming the little girl. She fell to the floor crying, apologizing multiple times until Soyeon held her.

"Mommy... I hurt.." Sihyeon cried. Soyeon held her as she complained about her chest pains again. She had taken her to the doctor multiple times, all of the tests coming out with nothing wrong with her.

"I know..." She sighed while sitting on the couch with her. It didn't subside until Sihyeon looked at a picture of Shizuha. Soyeon thought it was odd, but it worked.

"Mama.." Sihyeon whispered. She felt her mother's hand reach up to her forehead, moving the hair from her face. Immediately she saw little flicks of Shizuha from her mother. She smiled, seeing her other mother smiling and laughing.

That night she held onto Shizuha's photo, putting it next to her bed. She touched the photo, thinking of the memories she saw from her mother as she fell asleep.

Shizuha held her head as another headache formed. Flashes of jumbled memories ran through her head.

"Shizuha, you can't." The blond woman smiled at her.

"Mama says I can." She chuckled while looking at the blond. She shook her head, pulling her close to her. "What are you going to do if I actually do it?" She chuckled.

"Laugh because if you can make it snow in the middle of winter I'll be impressed." The blond smiled at her.

"Just watch me Soyeon. I'll make it snow in no time."

Shizuha held her head, the blond was talking to her. She was talking back and the woman's name was Soyeon. She felt connected to her. And her name was Shizuha... Not Winter..

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