Chapter One

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Akumi's Pov
The water seemed to swirl around me slowly as I spun around in a small circle the silly grin never leaving my face. Everyday you never really know what you are gonna expect, cause everyday is something new.Something good, something bad maybe both.

I always experienced something new in every new day that came. All my life I had, even as a small girl. I actually never had a family, but that's how fishes are.

Our parents give birth to us to repeat the cycle, we hatch someone in a hole, and when fully grown we pop out slowly learning the ways of the water we have been born in.

I was a special fish of course I was born a koi fish. God I loved my tail so much all the different colors, it made it so when I swirled around in the water it attracted all the fishes to wanna come and talk to me. With a small push of my tail I had splashed up into the water, shaking my long hair out as I slowly leaned back to float against the clear blue water of the lake, laying back on my arms gazing up at the sky, that had a few spotted white clouds here and there.

Back in this world again eh? I thought slowly fluttering my eyes in confusion. When I talked to other fishes down in the lake, you would think it wasn't that big, but it spread out all the way into a large waterfall opening as well.

They said humans were nothing but a mess up there. I was at first so confused. Humans! But after a very very long time I learned they were very different, had legs instead of my tail, and we're very aggressive. Sometimes scared me.

I floated all the way over towards a huge rock and leaned my upper half of my body up against it, strands of my hair falling in my face just a little bit, I wondered if all humans were aggressive and dangerous. Judging by all the stuff I had collected. They all were.

I heard a tiny splash come from near me and I released a small squeak out ducking my head, but I shot my hand up to catch what ever was tossed at me, looking at it with an intruding gaze.

Oh it's one of those pointy things! I cracked a grin poking my finger through the hole remember the tips were really sharp and I lifted my head up, a small gasp leaving me as I noticed a figure stood right by the rock, I ducked my tail under the water the best I could creating a bigger splash looking as the black hair figured shot me a tiny look.

  "How long have you been spying on me?" The voice demanded. I was a little taken back, his voice sounded like ice, very cold, I let a loud huff out looking at this person in confusion.

"Spying! Excuse you I own the lake." I muttered flicking my hair away, holding the thing closer as I let it go letting it sink down to the water and looked at this person in confusion.

A tiny gasp left me as I was looking into this eyes. The person kneeling on the rock, gazing into me deeply. I gulped a little hearing a small hum. "Well your eyes tell no lie, you aren't really spy martial, plus you're all wet not much you can do." He looked to the side for a minute, and I kept blinking in so much confusion.

"I can't sense anything from you, so that tells me you aren't that special." This strange little surge went through me at that sentence. Not special! How dare this person.

My eyes flared with anger as I moved away from the rock, the upper part of my top covering up my chest.

"Not special, excuse you! I don't even know who you are! What do you know about special." I shot him a glare and watched as his cold eyes watched me, and I used my entire strength to lift my tail up from under the water, floating with ease, his eyes slowly grew wide, and he almost looked to be in complete shy, I gave him a deep stare as I hmph again.

"I'm Akumi and I'm a fish. Well I was born a fish, and then grew bigger I'm a koi fish mermaid, so who are you to call me not special." I challenged. This human had some nerve. But neither did I. I didn't know him, I didn't know his life, I didn't know anything so I couldn't just judge someone who insults me.

"B-but how is that possible." The strange stammer left his lips as he moved closer to the edge of the rock. But I swam back a little at the little feeling growing in his eyes.

"I don't know maybe I'm special mister."

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