Chapter Nine

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Akumi's Pov
My fingers for a couple day would linger all over my lips, the pressure of the kiss I shared with Itachi. So this was the emotion that tore so many humans up on the inside and now it was happening to me.

I had taken a trip down to the little beach lake area, to clear my head, and it seemed yet again everyone was arguing with one another, typical Akatsuki behaviour. I let my eyes linger over to the lake, before I sat down near the edge of the water letting my hand trace the water with interest smiling faintly.

All my memories of Itachi were so peaceful, and nothing bad. But I felt like love... Wasn't for me. It was gonna tear me apart. I could always leave and see what happens with that.

I let my hand lay flat across the water the breeze blowing through my hair slowly tilting my head back before I was whispering.

"I think I love you Itachi and I'm sorry." I whispered keeping my eyes shut.

"Don't be apologize for loving me, I feel the same." I snapped my eyes up so quickly a yelp almost leaving me when I spun around seeing Itachi was taking off his Akatsuki cloak leaving him just in his fishnet shirt and his pants.

"Itachi!  I... I'm sorry you weren't suppose to hear that." I whispered ashamed looking away. I nibbled quite hard on my lip but Itachi just sat next to me lifting my chin up pressing his lips onto mine for a very short and soft kiss that lingered.

"Akumi swim with me.... Kisame told me that you can switch between your tail and your legs you just have to dry them." I parted from the kiss to feel Itachi was stroking at almost lovingly at my cheeks his red eyes gazing at me fully. 

"You wanna swim with me?" I asked a little confused Itachi looked down for a minute.

"I miss your tail." He whispered with a huge blush. I let the loudest laugh out shutting my eyes.

"I guess it won't hurt." I giggled leaning into Itachi's hold.

"Akumi... I want you to know this now... I'm claiming you as mine which means if someone touches you, I have the right to kill them."

I found myself soon in the lake with Itachi who was now shirtless with his boxers on he watched me with quite interest as I swam around him my red and green tail on display, his hair getting slightly set.

"Why are you so magical?." I looked at Itachi in confusion still circling around him slowly letting my tail swish to the side.

"What do you mean? " I asked interested slowly flipping around on my stomach keeping my balance while Itachi cracked a grin at me gesturing with his fingers.

"Your tail sparkles, you literally glow, your beautiful brown skin glows and you are just so magically, so beautiful and all mine." I stared at Itachi in so much embarrassment my entire face was hot and I was quick to splash him.

"Don't say embarrassing things." I huffed looking away hearing him let a soft husky chuckle out.

"Most of everything I say is true, I think you better get use to it." He sounded so teasing with the tone in his voice. I found myself whining dunking my head under the water to take a peek at everything seeing the little fishes and everything else grinning a little.

I popped my head back out tugging my now wet hair back with one deep motion "I swear I can hear their voices." I looked over towards the sand where I saw Sasori and Deidara walking across the sand. I smiled a little.

"Hey Deidara." I called over to the blonde who looked over quite quickly but then grinned waving his hand at me and Itachi.

"Hey you two! What are you doing?" Deidara asked interested.

"Swimming what does it look like?" Itachi commented licking his legs a bit.

"I don't understand why humans swim it's honestly stupid. " Sasori grumbled out but I saw the glint in Deidara eyes with just one quick motion, he had shoved him into the lake so fast making me gasp laughing out quickly even Itachi let a small laugh out.

Sasori shot Deidara the deepest glare while the blonde was laughing like mad.

"Huh? I guess puppets do float don't they." He grinned smirking casually while Sasori was yanking his red hair back.

"You aren't even funny Deidara, you are such a pain in the ass. " Sasori hissed out. But it just made Deidara laugh even more harder before he was then shoved into the lake.

I gasped shocked seeing Kisame and Hiden were both smirking.

"You're a little ass." Hiden laughed out smirking Deidara was now glaring leaving everyone else to just laugh quite a lot.

"Fuck you both!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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