Chapter Eight

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Akumi's Pov
"Hey, Akumi! Tobi has figured out what's wrong with you." I perked up slowly leaning off my hand for a quick moment to watch Tobio rush into Itachi's room.

Where I was reading from a few books that were spread around me. I smiled at his energetic tone and patted for him to sit across from me which he happily obligated to do, tucking his legs under him.

I stared at his eyes through his mask. "Tobi made sure to do some deep investigating and I have pinpointed only one answer to your problems." I blinked my eyes a few more times before nodding my head for him to continue playing with my hair a little interested.

"Akumi and Itachi are both in love with one another, and it's a very pure and beautiful love." I was startled and opened my mouth to object but then Tobi just held his hand out.

"I'm not finished! here is my proof, Akumi you said that Itachi would always go and visit you when you were a mermaid correct?" I nodded my head.

"Well yes but-" He then slammed his hands on the ground a little happier. "There's clue one, two he is letting you stay in his room, and opens up to you he doesn't do that with us, for all the years Tobi has known Itachi, he doesn't smile but with you, he does so Tobi has a solution!"

I jumped a little bit listened in closely as much as I possibly could hearing him giggling happily.

"Kiss kiss, hug, and then have lots of babies!"

Later that night I laid in Itachi's bed in great thought playing with my lip slowly in even more thought than before.

Love was such a strange emotion and made me feel different, my heart was always beating fast, my thoughts weren't normal and I felt like I would do anything just for him to notice me.

I was so invested in my thoughts that I was startled when I felt Itachi had come back from his mission and I was startled when I felt his arms around me.

I carefully moved around and I was taken back when I noticed tears in his eyes.

"Itachi what's wrong?" I whispered concerned slowly cupping his cheek, it was entirely wet and my eyes soften when he started sobbing deeply.

"They are gone Akumi... ever so often I remember what my mom and dad said to me! I killed my entire clan... I killed the one girl who loved me... " My heart slowly ached at the deep sobs that were leaving him.

I knew I wasn't so good at most things but I know the man I was in love with was in pain. I sat up and brought to arms around him quite quickly. I squeezed him tightly holding his head tightly on my chest letting him cry but I stroked his head holding him so close.

"Itachi shhh it's okay... I might not understand what you had to go through, I know you are hurting so much I see it every day when I am with you... But you are strong and you were forced to do something you didn't wanna do." His cries soften a little and his head stayed in place while I kept talking.

"But your clan... Your parents even her... They forgive you and it's okay to cry like this sometimes." I reassured him stroking his hair even more than before kissing the top of his head some more rocking the both of us.

"You're just as strong of a human for holding on this long, and you aren't alone anymore I'll always be by your side," I whispered to him hearing his breathing slowly slowed down, and my other hand came up to wipe all his tears away and stroke his warm cheek that was stained with tears.

"Thank you... For being here with me I haven't had a breakdown like this in a long time I'm sorry you had to see that." He tried telling me but I quietly just shushed him.

"Itachi it's okay, its okay not to be okay, and to cry."

I whispered pressing another kiss to his temple feeling his body slowly stopped shaking and he gazed his eyes right up at me and I remember what Tobi was shouting about all today.

Even with Deidara telling him to shut up. Itachi leaned in and pressed his lips onto my own, I had never kissed anyone before but I slowly got the hang out it.

It was just small pressure on your lips before you just moved them effortlessly. I cupped Itachi's cheeks more before we pulled away from the kiss, I pressed my forehead on his seeing him staring at me gently.

"Remember I'll always be here Itachi."

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