Chapter Six

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Akumi's Pov
I flicked my eyes to watch Itachi closely I was sort of listening, but I felt really tired. It was a long few days of meeting all of his. Well I think he calls them teammates kinda. He says they all just work for the same evil leader. He explained to me all about the ninja world and I found it intriguing. After a while I was finally allowed to stay.

On one real condition. Itachi had to watch me. So it wasn't half bad really for a few days I got to learn truly a lot of things these last few days. "So you're a ninja? Like one of the best there is right?" I questioned slowly lifting my knees up resting my head on it. Itachi's red eyes flicked over to watch me closely, his cloak long off while he rested in his bed with a book.

"I come from a long line of a clan that has the best ninjas, the Uchiha clan when I was thirteen I murdered them all from the order of the hokage, I murdered my whole family, and clan expect for my younger brother Sasuke Uchiha, one day he will be more greater then me, his lust for power is something I've never seen." He explained to me deeply it was the first-time he ever told me something deep about himself.

I slowly nodded my head carefully listening holding back a tiny yawn. My hair falling through my face. "You're sleepy? Come here." I blinked a few times before he raised one of his arms urging me. I squeaked when he pulled me next to him and I rested my head on his chest a little shyly.

I never have been this close to him before and I kinda like it actually. He  "Sleep we have a long day tomorrow, you'll actually get to be part of this world little fishy." I breathed out a small giggle and slowly shut my eyes. Sleep finally taking over me.

"How much candy did you give her Itachi she's gonna pass out I can bet on that?" I was looking around with wide eyes finding every color, every shape was fascinating to the core. I got to tag along with Itachi and Kisame for one of these missions to a village.

I actually got to see a village and not hear about it or read about it in some book. "She didn't have any candy, I let her try dango maybe a few too many and some tea." I spun around a bit huffing tugging my hair back. I giggled my eyes still wide with interest and a lot more emotions running through me.

"Akumi come here please." I fluttered my eyes a few times before I slowed down not noticing how quick I was walking trailing behind I looked at Itachi and Kisame. "Yes?" I giggled in confusion tilting my head slowly.

I felt Itachi lift up my chin staring at me closely, before he dropped my chin slowly "She's okay, we should be worried about her legs, are you use to them?" He asked me. I nodded my head nice.

"Sometimes they feel like jelly but I like my legs." I muttered glancing down at them, tugging on the dress giggling again. "And my toes." I glanced back up to see Itachi studying me, his own head slowly tilting while he studied me with those eyes of his.

"You're so pure.... It's quite strange I haven't met a girl like you." He muttered. I heard Kisame let a deep laugh out "Just admit you like her." I fluttered my eyes a few times watching Itachi shoot him a deep glare.

I didn't really know what they were talking about so I didn't bother to but into the conversation. I grabbed Itachi's hand lacing it with mine watching a look of utter surprise wash over his face very quickly.

"Lets look at the flower on the stand." I tugged him with me not missing him looking at Kisame who waved him off "Go actually act like a normal guy for once, I'll scouts ahead for the mission Itachi." I kept hugging him with me before he finally wasn't so stiff and he followed me.

I pointed towards a few flowers "What kind of flowers are those Itachi?" I asked studying them. They were pretty in a red color and blossomed not like the flowers in the lake.

"They are called roses." He answers quietly standing closer near me. I hummed a little but I grew in thought playing with Itachi's hand. "Do they have a meaning?" It was quiet for a few minutes but I felt Itachi's  eyes on the side of my face.

"Actually they do... They mean love."

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