Chapter Four

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Akumi's Pov
I wanna be apart of his world so badly... Maybe then he would take me seriously. I liked talking to Itachi. He made me feel like I could do anything and everything big I'm just tired.

So what was so bad with wanting to be a human. Instead of sleeping like I was always did the night had risen and the stars were out. I was laying on a rock stroking my tail as I thought to myself. What would it be like to walk on two legs, and two feet to have ten toes on each foot. To brush my hair, to be like Itachi.

I sighed leaning back on the rock more, and I decided to take a look when I noticed something was waiting on the land where Itachi and Kisame spent most days.

I blinked my eyes a few times before I carefully dived back into the water and swam all the way before popping out seeing a basket and a piece of paper, I carefully leaned forward scanning my eyes to read it.

To the little mermaid who won't let me eat her because of Itachi. I have something for you, so you wanna be apart of our world eh? Well first you have to know it's not all that fun, is humans are killing machine's, we hurt others, and only want power. But I assume you are too innocent to understand that. But maybe just maybe you can give Itachi purpose again.  You are beautiful with that one of a kind look you have with the pretty brown skin, I made this so maybe it will work or it might kill you and I'll get to eat you. Eat the chocolate ball first, it's in the red and sliver wrapper, then the piece of long paper is a sealing scroll you imprint but with blood. Hope it helps you

From Shark Man~Kisame

I kept reading giggling a little before reaching my hand out scooping up round red ball curious like I opened it up and popped the chocolate ball in my mouth chewing heavily, a delicious flavor sparked through my mouth.

I giggled more licking my lips before picking up the scroll wondering how I was gonna make blood appear, but then I remember kunai's I grabbed one that was hidden under the same and cut open my palm tearing up at the stinging watching the red liquid slowly drop down my hand falling into the scroll.

At first, nothing happened but then this small strange pain flowed through me, all around my tail. I took just a small look towards the water seeing it was glowing.

My eyes were wide and I felt the pain ripped before my tail split in two, all the heavy feeling fading.  I then moved them around before a small grin made its way across my lips in surprise. "Are those... Legs... I have legs!"

Legs were a lot harder to work then I imagined. I huffed sitting on the sand near the basket trying so hard to get up. I've been sitting like this all night. Wondering how I was gonna get up, or where I was gonna go.

I sighed looking down at my chest where my bra was still on, I heard footsteps approaching and I grew a little fearful, but then I heard it name being called confused like.

"Akumi woah is that you? It worked." I visually relaxed when I saw Kisame who was still approaching me. "Have you been here all night! Oh shut you're naked." He shouted.

I winced a little bit poked at my new legs. "I-Idon't know how to use my legs," I whined Kisame blinked a few before he starts laughing much to my embarrassment he then swiftly picked me up, helping me stand.

I was a little wobbly but he wrapped his arm around my waist helping me keep steady. "There you go." He chuckled. I peeked at him, and held onto him even more.

"Do you wanna see Itachi? I'm gonna have to bring you back to the base and I wonder if that's a good idea leader isn't really open." Kisame was more or so talking to himself more than me like he was arguing with himself.

I was still holding onto him even more and noticed I had gotten my balance a little. I started to smile shyly before speaking.

"I just wanna see Itachi once Kisame, just once like this and then I'll try and find my own way around the land I promise," I whispered to him.

Kisame looked at me just a little shocked, but he then slipped off his cloak and wrapped it around my shoulder before he started leading the way and I was following him, but I did take the time to look at my surroundings in awe. So this was the world. It's so big. I thought quietly.

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