Chapter Three

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Akumi's Pov
Okay I know I can't be dreaming hmmm. I focused my ears pressing it against one of the large rocks trying to focus on the water waves, but lowly I could hear two voices. I shut my eyes before a silly smile made its way across my lips.

Itachi is here, but who is that other voice? I asked myself I flicked my tail gently under the water listening in. It's been months since I formed this friendship with this human.

I found him beyond fascinating. He didn't seem to have emotions like other humans. But For months he would come to the lake or waterfall when he would have time and just talk to me. He would ask me questions, I would ask him some.

Sometimes I would drag him into the lake and he would get soaking wet. The first time he was really mad at me, but after a while, he would swim with me.

This was the first time I had seen him in a while cause he was busy. "Itachi why are we out here? We could have easily gone to a hot spring." I hear the soft grumbles from another man.

I heard Itachi let a small hm out "Cause she's here, Kisame and I want you to meet her, just don't eat her. She's my friend." I slowly smiled more. So he sees me as a friend.

"You have a friend?" I heard soft laughter before there was a loud grunt and explaining. I started giggling quietly. Spying was fun.

"Akumi you can come out now." My eyes slowly bulge out, and I huffed before pushing myself away from the rock and dived under the water using my sense of the water.  I swam all the way to where Itachi and his other friend were seeing their legs dangling under the water.

Well, Itachi was resting on the sand, his feet were in the water. I dove up with a large giggle, flipping my hair away, startling the blue skin man. Oh, wait he is a shark man? That's so cool!

"Hiya!" I giggled shoving all my hair back fast seeing Itachi keep a blank stare, but just the slightest smile went to his lips before it faded.

"Fuck!" I looked at the shark man curious like "You're a shark? I thought they could only be in saltwater." I tapped my chin curious like seeing his shocked eyes. Before he turned back to Itachi.

"Your new friend is a mermaid? No way Itachi." I carefully swam a few distances but watch the two.

"You could sense that just by seeing her?" Itachi questioned in disbelief "Her top gave it away kinda, she's a koi fish mermaid, there's only a few left can I eat her?" I looked at him offended folding my arms across my chest.

"No, you can't," Itachi grumbled tilting his head back a little sighing up at the sun and sky a bit.  "Akumi this is Kisame. He really isn't a friend he is my partner of sorts. Kisame this is Akumi." I gave Kisame a small hand wave, feeling his deep pupils watching me.

I balanced through the water with ease. Smiling at his surprised face. "I bet I can make a seal that could give her legs." Kisame quickly exclaimed. It was quick but with his outburst, he was rushing out the lake, grabbing his clothes rushing away leaving just me and Itachi.

His eyes slowly opened and he focused on me. Moving closer to the water he let his hands guide through the water.

"So Akumi what have you been doing while I was away?" I hummed a little making a small bubble to lay my head on gazing up into his red eyes.

"Well at night I stargaze, and I've been learning new words and um hmm oh yeah! One day I'm gonna be part of your world, I wanna one day give you hugs, and be able to actually be next to you. So that the land and water isn't a distant." Itachi's red eyes followed me with a look of surprise on his face.

"You wanna be a part of this world eh? It's such a mess Akumi, you should stay in the lake it's perfect for you, no harm, just peace as a fish. The human world is a mess." He chucked a deep dark chuckle.

"You don't wanna be here so stay there." I let a small pout go across my lips and bit at the bubble slowly making it pop and splash into my face, but I just shook the wetness away from my hair swishing my tail around with the wait.

"I wanna be apart of your world watch me." I stuck my tongue out at Itachi.

Another soft laugh bubbles from his throat, and it was the first time I hear that strange noise from him.  Before he leaned forward and presses two of his fingers to my forehead fast. Slightly pushing it.

"Will see little one. We will see."

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