Chapter Seven

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Akumi's Pov
"Itachi come on you are too slow." A low whine left me, taking a glance behind me I saw his slightly bored red eyes watching me, while I lead the way across the sand. It was one of those rare times I had him all to myself.

No crazy missions. No one trying to kill him. Just some one on one time like last month with the Dango trip.

"Do you ever get exhausted? You have so much energy." He trailed off followed by a light chuckle from him as well. "But I don't blame you, you are stuck at the base all day, so come here." He quickly called me over saying my name right after when he did so.

I fluttered my eyes a few times in rhythm before I slowed my movements down, and spun around to face him watching him lay one of his hands out for me. I carefully placed my hand in his feeling him bring me close to him in one moment, my breath in taking for a moment at the gesture.

"You're a curious little thing I remember you asking me a few days ago about dancing, but let's not forget when you questioned what's a fire and why does it burn. So here's another lesson, this is called slow dancing, this might take all night." I stared into his eyes slowly, listening very closely to his calm voice explaining to me before I held my breath the thought making me confused.

Was Itachi always this beautiful... Even with the moonlight on him, even with some of his little scars and all. He was a beautiful human one of the most beautiful ones I have seen. Oh no... My heart feels strange.

The following morning my heart still felt the same. All strange and all. I first started my morning by asking  Deidara while he was working on some of his paper bombs and clay "You're asking me about love?" He blurted out gazing up at me a light smile making its way across his features looking proud and happy.

"Correct what is love for humans?" I questioned biting lightly at my pointer finger.

"You are asking the wrong idiot for that." Sasori passed by with a blank expression when he went to the living area. "Say that to my face!"

"I just did. " I breathed out a rough sigh when they were pulled into a fight of their own. Yeah they weren't gonna be any help.

I guess I'll have to do this on my own. I'm a big girl I can figure out why my heart is strange. Once the afternoon hit. I found myself relaxing in the hot spring reading the book with curious eyes. It was a old story about a love shared between a young girl and a boy.

They weren't fated to love cause he was a prince and she was commoner. I snaked down into the water my body also shifting to one of full relaxation my eyes skimming back and forth. Maybe this reminds me back when I first met Itachi I was still a curious thing just like back then.

The sudden squeak of the nearby door made me slam the book shut and place it behind me at the rock sinking into the water my eyes locking with Itachi's watching him enter the room leaning on the wall opposite to where I was.

He didn't have his cloak on but I could see more details of his clothes.  "Akumi, I have to go on another mission tomorrow this times it's gonna be for around two weeks are you gonna be alright with just the rest being here." I flicked all my soaking hair quickly away from my face nodding giving him a smile.

My heart racing on its own yet again. "Yeah I'll be okay, I'll do what I usually do, which is sleep, explore or talk to Kisame sometimes asking Pein questions," I explained out nodding my head slowly wondering if I left anything out.

"Just be safe I know you are powerful, but even a powerful man can fall." I suddenly blinked my eyes fast when he was walking towards me and was sitting at the edge of the hot spring. My cheeks grew warm when I felt his lips on my forehead.

"You silly girl, I'll always be careful you be careful too, I mean in the sense of not tripping over anything Akumi you are the girl I care about in this world, if something happened to you it would break me... So just promise me you'll be safe." I gave him a very fast head nod just so I could put my heart at ease locking eyes with him sweetly.

"You mean the world to me Itachi I'll be safe, you can count on it."

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