Chapter Two

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Itachi's Pov
I just couldn't shake the feeling away. And usually, I am really good at keeping my composure on things I see, and everything I witness as well. What a strange girl but I wonder if Pein knew anything.

He was always doing paperwork and sending us on missions, but he had to know something about the waterfall and lake. I carefully started roaming the halls, flicking my eyes around, before I raised my knuckle up to knock on the door hearing a faint enter.

I twisted the doorknob, and entered the office were Pein say behind his desk, doing paperwork with a blank look across his face. He lifted his head up to let his cold eyes stare into my blank ones.

"Pein I need to talk to you," I called out shutting the door behind me, he nodded towards the empty chair across from his desk. "Make it fast Itachi." He answers back. I sat down in the chair and gave him my full attention as I leaned back into the seat.

"What do you know about the creatures that live in the lake and waterfall?" I questioned, folding my arms across my chest. Pein looked up at me his full attention on me now.

"You mean the large waterfall?" I nodded my head again, and he hummed a little. "I know of a lot of fish in there, but when the seasons change they come and go. " He set his pen down and I kept my eyes trained on him.

"What about a girl with dark skin with bluish-green hair with a large koi fishtail," I stated. You could tell he was really taken back by the description I gave him. "Come again?" He calmly asked me gesturing with his hand for me to continue. Which I did.

"A girl with a giant tail lives in the lake."

"A mermaid?"

"A what?"

Akumi's Pov
A couple days had passed since my strange interaction with that beautiful human. all I could really remember is over his shocked expression he kept asking me questions. Before he had just wondered off.

I had to admit he had really pretty eyes and his nails were pretty as well. I was inside the waterfall, a great pout on my face  I leaned against the sand inside leaning on my hand.

Sometimes I wonder what being a human is like? Is it the same as being a fish like me. I blinked my large eyes a few times before I carefully grabbed the basket from where it was behind the large rock and I skimmed my eyes through the basket all of these were things that were thrown into the lake, a lot of them were sharp and dangerous.

But they seemed really beautiful to me. A lot of the times they had sunk all way down to the bottom, and I had a little collection. But what I really like to think about, what that I was completely alone down here. Yeah, there were a few mermaids down here with me, but I never spoke with them. Talking to other fishes and creatures down here.

I sighed quietly and grabbed the sharp star carefully tracing the tips not caring if the tips of my fingers got cut in the process. I wonder what being part of their world would look like and be like. I fluttered my eyes again, and sighed loudly yet again, looking up when I saw the same set of red eyes, he was tilting his head down at me.

"You really get around don't you?" I found myself questioning, watching him sit down in front of me, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"Seems like to me you're following me." He grumbled folding his arms keeping his gaze on me. I shifted my tail into the water swaying it around still looking up into his red eyes.

"So what's your name?" I trailed off feeling his glare was still on me. He let a small sound out from his throat before he spoke.

"Itachi." He looked away to watch the water spill from the waterfall, the rushing water was loud, but somehow I could still hear him and make out his words. I nodded my head again, and I noticed Itachi yet again was watching my tail, "So you're a human?" I questioned, it snapped his gaze back to my face he then studied me.

"A human none the less, not much of a human." He muttered. I was a little confused by his answer before poking his legs as he jerked away in shock, tucking them under him.

"You have legs, which means you are a human, I have a tail which means I'm not human," I explained briefly with a small giggle escaping me. His eyes were wide  he stared at me his breath coming out in short little lengths.

I grabbed my basket again and Itachi's eyes followed as he spoke. "What's that?" He asked me as I flicked my eyes back to him "My collection you guys throw them in the lake quite a lot. " At first all he did was blink which this look across his face.

"You're collecting shurikens and kunai? Why the hell are you collecting them?"

"So that's what they are called? I call them pointy things."

"You're so naive and completely innocent yet dumb witted."

"Excuse you? You're the one who keeps coming back to the lake."

"You intrigue me."

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