Chapter Five

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Akumi's Pov
"I'm carrying you! You've fallen like six times." I was just about to open my mouth to protest, but all that came out was the loudest squeak leaving me. I wrapped my arms around Kisame's neck huffing but let him carry me looking around the dark place confused. Did Itachi and his friends really live here? It's so dark and stuff.

I took a glance down at my new legs swinging them back and forth, still being covered up by Kisame I was more than excited to be seeing Itachi again. It felt like forever. Kisame opened up a barred up gate before still carrying me and I looked around the area to see a blonde hair boy playing with... Was that clay?

Then there was another boy with a mask sitting near him, and a red-haired boy who had an evil blank stare. The blonde hair one glanced up, his hair in eyes and he then spoke.

"Who's the chick?" He commented flicking all his hair away Kisame then spoke for me "Itachi's future wife, the stupid looking blonde hair one is Deidara, the ugly red hair one is Sasori and the one with the mask is Tobi." I put all the names to the back of my head nodded.

"Stupid! What the hell is your problem I'll blow up your entire room you dumb fish." Kisame carefully set me down and I looked around still smiling.

"I'd like to see you try." Kisame challenged. I squeaked in surprise when the masked boy Tobi was all closed to me "Oh! Tobi thinks that Itachi's girlfriend is pretty. " I was still in confusion. But smiled looking between everyone.

"Fucking bitches! What's with all the noises." Another slightly older man enters the room and was met in the face with a huge wade of clay to his face. He let a loud growl and started screaming.

"I'll fucking kill you!" I backed away from the scene hitting the wall behind me in surprise. Is this what Itachi meant by his world be different? They were all fighting one another.

"Really what the hell?" I heard the familiar voice and I looked over to see Itachi making his way towards the scene, he was wearing the same black cloak with red clouds all over.

"Itachi!" I squealed happily not knowing where the sudden urge came from my legs but I ran towards him jumping in him hugging happily wrapping my legs around him. He let a shocked grunt out his hands quickly coming in contact to lift me up to make sure I didn't fall. To say he wasn't shocked would be a lie.

His red eyes were very much wide, his jaw slightly dropping. "Akumi is that you? Wait you're here at the hideout? What's going on?" He questioned quietly ignoring all the fighting in the background.

"Well, your friend Kisame was able to give me legs! Look they move I'm human like you, I have toes." I giggled slowly wiggling them looking at Itachi still feeling him lift me up more, he carefully set me down tucking away all my hair away.

"This is... I'm speechless I don't know if I should be mad at him, glad why are you here." He whispered confused and I frowned a little bit then focused back down to look at my bare feet.

"I know you said this world is terrible and there's nothing amazing in it but I really wanna be here, I have no purpose where ever I go. I just wanted to see you Itachi and maybe see you smile for once, no matter where you go you can find a way to make it amazing." I whispered still staring into his deep red eyes.

I smiled and cupped his cold, pale cheeks "please find happiness, find it in your world." I whispered giggling and leaned up. I slowly nuzzled his nose and then turned back to face Kisame. Who was still facing everyone.

"Kisame!" I shouted over all the yelling.

"What!" He yelled back turning to face me.

"Thank you for the legs." I giggled shaking my head.

"You're welcome Hidan get the fuck off me!" I was then shocked to feel my hand scooped up. I turned my body back to face Itachi.

"Akumi no... Stay maybe I can convince Pein to let you stay... I wanna teach you how to be human... I want you to teach me how to see things how you do." He whispered bringing me back he pulled me close to him.

"I'll teach you to be apart of my world." He slowly whispered staring at me gently. I slowly smiled nodding my head "I'd like that Itachi." I whispered slowly looking down. I then gasped when he pulled me behind him, and I watched his red eyes shift in a shape and one by one all the loud bodies fell and hit the floor.

"Oh, my goodness are they alright?" I questioned worry in my voice stepping to check on all of them. Itachi slowly smirked and glanced down at me.

"They're alright only 76 hours 23 minutes and 9 seconds left to go."

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