Part 4

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The ceremony of the raising of the new chief was about to start. Mary and I were putting on our dresses. She looked so pretty. She had on a pink, knee length dress that had a beautiful green vest that went over it. She was wearing the emerald necklace we found at the market. I didn't want one so I didn't get one. Brandon knocked on the door.

"Are you ladies ready?" he asked. Mary giggled and blushed. 

"You bet," I said and followed him and Mary out the door. 

The ceremony began and I sat with Mary who sat next to Brandon. The head elder gave a long speech about our ancestors. I had heard the speech enough times. I was instantly brought out of my thoughts when Brandon was called up. Both Mary and I sat up. But straighter and held out chins a bit higher. I have to admit that I was really proud of Brandon. I know his father would be proud.

"Brandon," I now pronounce you chief of the Village of Light," said the elder. Then he lifted his hands and a shower of gold dust fell over Brandon and golden wing tips appeared on Brandon's wings. Everyone cheered.

"Well, first of all this is a great honor," Brandon began, "But I would like to thank the two people who if it weren't for them I would never gotten this far. They have been there for me every step of the way. They are like my little sisters." The crowd giggled.

"Thank you so much, Mary and Raven," said Brandon. I looked over at Mary and she had tears in her eyes. By the look in her face I could tell she was falling for Brandon, and falling hard. I knew this was going to happen some day. I turned my attention back to Brandon.

"Now, my fellow fairies," he said, "I only have four words to say to you, let the festivities began!!" Everyone cheered and the music started playing.  Brandon turned to us and smiled.

"May I ask my two favorite ladies to dance with the new chief?" Mary looked as if she were about go burst.

"I would love to dance with you, Brandon," I said, "But I'm starving. I'm going to get something to eat. I think Mary wants to dance though." Brandond looked at Mary. Mary blushed and Brandon led her to the dance floor. I couldn't help but smile. They are perfect for each other. 

As the music played on I decided to dance on my own. It felt like the music wrapped itself around me begging me to dance. I twirled across the stage. My feet moved faster and faster.  I spotted a group of kids standing in the corner.

"Why aren't you dancing?" I asked. A little girl shrugged.

"We don't want to dance with boys," she said and the other girls nodded.

"Yeah," said one of the little boys. "And we don't want to dance with girls!" I smiled at them.

"Will you dance with me?" I asked. The kids nodded eagerly and we all danced in a circle, laughing. The music came to a sudden stop when trumpets blared in the distance. Everyone instantly drew their wings in. 

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