Apples To Apples (Filler Chapter)

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*Rhys P.O.V*

"Apples to apples anyone?" Ryan said as we entered the front of the office. 

"Sure!" Koda said, grabbing the box.

Her cheerful voice me blush. Why did I feel this way? I've been this way since I watched her and Will play Prophunt...

*Lewis P.O.V*

We split the cards into 6 small decks and shuffled them for about 2 minutes before adding the red cards together and same with the green. While Koda placed the green cards in the middle, the rest of us handed the red ones to Baz.

"Alright, quick-dealer." Ryan said. "Do your thing." He grabbed his phone and set a timer. 

Baz laughed, flipping out 7 cards for each person at lightning speed. Dealing 6 sets of 7 cards only took:

"10 seconds." Ryan said.

"Wow." I laughed, follow by Will, Rhys, and Koda.

*Koda's P.O.V*

"Do y'all wanna do this the normal way or the Plague City way?" I asked.

"Plague City." The 5 gamers said.

"Alright. It's like the normal version, but there's a twist on three cards:

Beets- You win that green card

Spontaneous Combustion or Danny DeVito- Win the game

If you have one of those cards, go ahead and flip it over when you hand it to the judge." I explained the way me and my friends played it in High School.

"Sounds good." Will said as I revealed the first green card.

"Give me something dangerous."

The boys all passed a card to me and I died a little more with each one:


Adam Sandler

My Life

Calling Customer Service

Majority Rules

I set 'potatoes' and 'my life' to the side. I notice Lewis and Rhys slump back.

"Adam Sandler, Majority Rules, or Customer Service?" I taunted. I knew the card I was going to pick.

"Who had Calling Customer Service?" I asked and Baz's face lit up.

"Me." This ginger British said, his face turning crimson.

I passed him the green card that said 'Dangerous'.

"Ryan, you're next." I said.

"Alright guys, give my something crazy." He said as everyone passed him a card:


Daytime T.V.

Marilyn Monroe



"Who had beets?" Ryan laughed.

"That's me." Will said. "Second time I've said that today." He laughed.

"Lewis." Ryan said, passing the card to Will. "You're up mate."

*Lewis's P.O.V*

"Spunky." I said.

5 cards appeared in front of me immediately:

Corn On The Cob

Michael Jackson


Dallas Cowboys

Baby Yoda

"Sorry guys, but pigeons wins." I said, laughing.

"Yay!" Rhys said.

*No One's P.O.V*

The game continues for about 10-15 minutes before Elizabeth enters the room.

"Scott's ready." She said, the servos noise growing louder.

"Does anyone else hear that?" Will asked.

"The servos system? Yeah. I've heard it since I got here." Koda responded.

The 6 gamers followed Elizabeth to the game room, where 'Scott' was waiting for them.

5-Way Road (DAGames/Bazamalam/8-BitRyan/Dawko/Razzbowski x O.C.)Where stories live. Discover now