Pieces Of The Truth

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A few hours passed and Ryan's color had started to come back. He was only half as pale as he was before, indicating that his wound may have been close to infection.

 Baz's wound was never really that bad, but we still watched it just in case. The impact was close to the major arteries of his body after all, and that could've killed him on the spot.

Will was currently asleep, trying to clear the strain of being clawed on his side. His wound was a large shredded area consisting of three awful gashes that were thankfully not deep enough to reach any organs. He lost the most blood of the three boys, and was lucky to have survived it.

Will's phone rang from the desk, breaking the silence. I looked at it before picking it up. I glanced at Lewis for permission. The dark haired British nodded as I answered it and was converted into a facetime with another girl.

"Oh hi. Is Will there?" She asked kindly.

"Yes but he's asleep right now-" I started to say before I was cut off by the black and green-haired British stirring and shifting his weight.

"Nah, I'm up." He said, covering his wound with his right hand. He'd had to take his hoodie off and was only in his gray DAGames logo shirt. He said he was fine with the shirt being wet, but the blood-soaked thickness of the hoodie was uncomfortable. 

"Oh, here he is." I said, handing the phone to him. Will groaned quietly, attempting to make it sound like he was just trying to reach the phone.

*Will's P.O.V*

Koda handed me my phone and I felt the gashes on my side stretch. I cursed myself for moving when I was greeted by my daughter, Jessica.

"Hi daddy!" She said, her eyes shining cheerfully at me.

"Hey honey! How are you?" I asked, happy to see Jess's face again.

"Good." She laughed. "I lost a tooth daddy! See?" She flexed her missing tooth and giggled, making me smile despite my searing pain.

"Wow! Good for you sweetheart!" I said. Ryan entered the office, hearing our conversation.

"Is that my best friend?" He asked. Ryan and Jess are really close. She said she thinks of him as the fun-loving uncle. Jess laughed and waved to my friend.

"Hi Ryan!" She said.

Jess and I were on the phone for about another five minutes. She told me about how school was going and said she had to have a 'meeting with the boys' and how she got onto them for interrupting her whenever she tried to talk to someone else. 

"That's my girl." I said before she had to leave.

"She's so cute!" Koda squealed.

"Thanks." I laughed, gasping sharply when I moved myself the wrong way. I had done that on the phone as well but with it being Jess on the other side of the screen, I tried not to react. I don't want to scare her by finding out that I'm hurt so bad. "I miss her though." 

"So do I." Rhys said. "That's my little buddy."

"And she loves you guys more than you know. She thinks of you as family." I said whole-heartedly.

"Aww." Baz said.

"I love her." Lewis added.

"Me too." I ended. "She's my little girl." I stood shakily to put my phone back on the desk.

---- 3 Hours Later----

*Ryan's P.O.V*

Since we weren't going through a night, we once again decided to search the pizzaria. Koda and Baz snatched a couple cans of soda from the kitchen while Rhys and Lewis scouted Parts and Service. Koda ran out with a note that put us all on edge.

It's the most annoying thing when gamers say that Freddy's is an easy game. You may even be wondering whether this is truly reality. This is no mental mindset. Oh no, this is real. This is very real. One shall fall and be part of Freddy's forever. To the 'real world' they shall not return, for they will play the ultimate game that teeters on the edge of life or death; and over the distinct rail they will fall into the vast pit of Hell that conceals their fate. 

"Well that's reassuring." I said sarcastically. Then, Lewis and Rhys come back with another note.

My father says that some things may end in a twisted way for these humans. I'm not so sure that any of them will come out unhurt- let alone the one that is to never make it out. He shall be wounded more than the others. My father is the smartest man ever for inventing this new way to play at Freddy's; he is truly a genius! Scott is constantly screaming for us to let them and himself go, threatening to cut my programing. What he doesn't know is my father is a great programmer and an even better pretender. Just like me, he can pretend to be anything- or anyone he wants...

"That's not creepy at all." Baz said. 

"It is kinda helpful though. What do you say, Koda?" I asked the teal-haired American, who was studying the note carefully.

"I think I know who this is..." She said. "I just need time to think." 

We headed back to the office and Night 3 started.

5-Way Road (DAGames/Bazamalam/8-BitRyan/Dawko/Razzbowski x O.C.)Where stories live. Discover now