Night 2

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*Baz's P.O.V*

The doors opened again as Rhys checked the cameras. The fresh memory of the previous event stung in my head, Koda has always made me flustered in some way. The way she ended up sitting on me just added on to that. Although is was an accident, part of me wishes it wasn't

Resting my hand over my inner thigh, I attempted to hide my provoked point of attraction. Ryan, however, noticed it clearly and flicked his eyes from me to Koda. I muttered a small 'shut up'. Having no avail in keeping the moment serious, we both laughed to ourselves and shook our heads. Lewis cuts us from the moment by shutting Bonnie out of the office.


Koda blushed every time our eyes met for the next four hours. Something good did end up happening though: Ryan managed to eventually stand from the bench. He said that the tighter wrap on his shoulder held up for more pressure to be applied in certain situations, which was good.

"I feel useless." He said. "What can I do?"


"Yarr. How 'ya holdin' up maties?"

"You could let Foxy in if you wanted too, mate." Lewis said. Ryan dizzily made his way to the left door, opening it for Foxy.

"Argh. Thank you lad." The fox said gratefully.

"Hi Foxy." Koda said, twitching her head again.

"Hello lass." He greeter her. " I just dropped by to tell 'ye that Freddy is on the move tonight. He is ruthless and unforgiving of anything- even if it's just you being here."

"Thank Foxy." I said, standing to face the rusted pirate. 

"Is there anything 'ye need?" A jumpscare noise came from his system. "Oh, ignore that. It's just so the others think I'm attackin' 'ye."

"okay well....." Koda thought. "Do you have any medical supplies?" She gestured toward me and Ryan.

"We do actually." Foxy said, leaving the office, returning soon after with a crate full medical supplies. "Here 'ya go, maties." He said.

"Thanks Foxy." Koda said.

"Yer welcome lass." He said, leaving to return to his stage.

"Alright..." Will said. "Is there any peroxide?" He asked himself, eventually handing a black bottle to Koda. She grabbed a roll of paper towels and sat beside me. 

"Mkay boys. This might burn." She warned, positioning herself beside me. I blushed again, remembering what happened 4 hours ago. I glanced at quickly at my point of attraction, which showed little signs of relaxing. I slightly tilted my head to the right, allowing Koda some leverage on my wound. The peroxide stung in the openness of the gash, making my spine fall numb. My initial reaction was rather self rattling, however. The burning contact of the peroxide and my blood made me gasp. But little did I know, my exhalation was to include vocal notice. My own reaction made my face burn from slight embarrassment while the others all looked at me in shock.

"What was that, buddy?" Ryan teased.

"N-nothing..." I stuttered and inhaled sharply as Koda again pressed more peroxide to my wound.

"Mhmm. And you're sure it was a complete accident?" Rhys commented.

We started laughing at Rhys when his voice cracked while saying 'complete'. 

"Not funny." He fake-pouted, but it too turned into laughter.

I heard Ryan gasp from a mix of the pain in his shoulder and Will coasting it with peroxide. The sound of my best friend's suffering makes me dies a little more every time I hear it. 

5-Way Road (DAGames/Bazamalam/8-BitRyan/Dawko/Razzbowski x O.C.)Where stories live. Discover now