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*Koda's P.O.V*

Everything was pretty quiet after the recording ended. Though we were talking to each other about different things, it seemed nobody was saying anything at all--- the grief made everything seem silent despite the noise.

Once the video was uploaded, I invited the boys to my house for regular recording as something to take out minds off of the stress for a while. When we pulled into the driveway, I noticed Atlas and Kilo sitting on the porch. I opened my truck door and whistled, causing their ears to perk up. As I stepped out of the truck, the two dogs swarmed me; jumping and whine-barking with fiercely wagging tails.

"Hey babies!" I said, crouching to greet my puppers.

The boys approached us and Atlas wiggled free from my grip. He weaved between the boys, trying to get attention from each one.

"Aww, husky!" Rhys said as Atlas jumped on him, putting his front paws of Rhys's chest Atlas is a BIG husky).

"That's Atlas." I said. "And this is Kilo." I motioned toward my German Shepard-Milionis mix. 

I stand from my crouched position, grunting in the process to release tension. The boys laughed and I secretly felt relieved for a minute. This was the first time since Lewis passed that I had seen them have a positive reaction to something. I managed to find my way to the front door, dodging the two large dogs that were running around us, and let everyone inside. George and Ariel were playing Minecraft on the couch. How did I know? Because George was yelling:

"Ariel! Get the redstone!"

"Hey George." I said and he looked up to greet us.

"Hey guys." He said, closing his laptop.

"Who wants to play Mario?" I asked, revealing my stash of Xbox and PlayStation games.


*A Few Hours Later*

*Baz's P.O.V*

"Will....Will.... Don't you dare...." Ryan pleaded as Will drew closer to him in MarioKart 8 Deluxe. "Please.... Will... No....NO......D*MMIT!" 

We laughed as Will flung Ryan out of the way with a turtle shell and passed him on the track. Ryan pretended to be hurt, but we knew he was faking. To be honest, it was quiet funny to see him in fake rage. Being one of the only ones not playing (Koda only has 3 controllers), I had the freedom to shift my weight without worry of being bumped out of my place. However--- when I moved, I stretched my wound as well by accident, causing a sharp pain to rattle me a bit.

"Agh, sh*t." I muttered quietly, hoping no one would hear me...Thankfully, they didn't. I continued watching the game until Kilo padded up to me and laid a paw on my leg.

"Hey buddy." I said, scratching the dog's head. Koda's laugh caught my attention. 'Good Lord'  I thought to myself. 'Even her laugh is beautiful..'  My head began to drown in thought; Questions I didn't know the answers to, things I've wanted to say since I met her... But right now, I needed to tell her about one thing... I'm hurt more than she thinks I am..

"Hey, Koda. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked the teal-haired American, who threw a ball for Kilo.

"Yeah, sure." She stood from the couch and led me upstairs.


She led me into an equestrian-like room with ribbons and photos of horses everywhere. Hats and horseshoes were hanging on the walls along with old halters and bridles. Training boots were lined on the dresser and two saddles- an English and a Western- were sitting against the wall. There was a bar stool that had a horse head burned into it. She offered for me to sit on the bed, but I needed to stand for this.

5-Way Road (DAGames/Bazamalam/8-BitRyan/Dawko/Razzbowski x O.C.)Where stories live. Discover now