Close Call

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*Baz's P.O.V*

As I tried to focus on the game, a stinging pain that was emitted from my shoulder held me back. This pain was different compared to the physical wound itself, however--- It almost felt like something was in it. I shook my head to clear my vision, as it began to grow blurry and my head started to spin. Luckily, Koda had been on the phone with the hospital since we came back downstairs. 

"Baz, you alright?" Ryan asked, catching sight of my struggles. I didn't want to lie.. for I had hidden too much from them already--- hence, my shredded chest.

"I-I'm seeing double..." I said, setting the controller down. "I can't focus on anything." Koda, still on the phone, came over and sat beside me.

"Could you hold on for just a second please?" She asked the secretary. "Thank you."

Koda studied my state carefully, and I felt the sympathy radiating from her.

"He's nearly lost half of his color in a matter of 30 minutes and---" She turned back to me. "How's your vision, Baz?"

"Double..." I said, trying to clear my head again.

"Are you lightheaded at all?"

"Very..." I shook my head again, trying to focus on the MarioKart game case that was resting on the coffee table. Eventually I gave up, having no avail in gaining my normal sight back.

"---He said he's lightheaded and having double vision." She reported back across the line, walking into the kitchen. "Yes, he was stabbed with a pocket knife. Left shoulder."


About 10 minutes later, Koda came back to us with what sounded like keys in hand. Blurred and multiplied, my vision was a fading mess, casually regaining itself before clouding over again. The only thing I could make out was the colored shadows that pin-pointed the figures of my friends.

"They're getting a room ready now." She said. 

I felt a gentle force on my right shoulder trying to help me up. The Scottish voice was my only guide to identification--- Rhys. Unsteadily, I partially leaned against him, feeling the numbness drain through my body. 

Rhys helped me into Koda's truck before meeting the others in Will's rental car. Soon, I heard the driver door open and the shadow of Koda was soon beside me. 

"Hey Baz." She said calmly. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I rasped, trying to steady my breathing--- in which doing so gradually became more and more painful. My chest tensed and I laid my head back against the headrest on the seat. 

"What's going on..?" I muttered to myself, but Koda heard me.

"I fear that I know what it is..." She said dreadfully. "Elizabeth was coating your wound with something when I came in behind her. 

"You don't mean..." I started, nervous about her answer.

"I'm worried you're starting to get blood poisoning." 

Those words made me freeze. Blood poisoning? That's what almost happened to Ryan and Freddy's....


*Koda's P.O.V*

About half way to the hospital, I noticed that Baz was quieter than normal--- even for being in pain. At an intersection, I took a quick moment to study the wounded ginger's condition. His face was wholly pale, with only a faint trace of color across the bridge of his nose.


"Hmm?" He answered and I could hear the strain in his almost-non existent voice.

"We're almost there." I started, seeing him struggle to shift without moving his shoulder. Seeing him in this much pain hurts me and makes me feel like I could've done something to prevent it--- but I know that there was nothing I could do. 

5-Way Road (DAGames/Bazamalam/8-BitRyan/Dawko/Razzbowski x O.C.)Where stories live. Discover now