UA High, The Beggining

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Nezuko POV:

'Oh shoot, I'm gonna be late!'

I sprang out of my bed, faster than The Flash could even dream of, and dug through my closet, yanking all of the clothes out to find my beautiful outfit. It was a half purple half black leather jacket, with black pants and purple chains hanging from the ankles. I pulled out my straightener from my closet and plugged it in, slipping my mask on and running downstairs to eat breakfast.

I pulled out the milk carton and shoved some cereal in my mouth, milk spilling out a little bit as well.

I'm fricking nasty with my food, you don't even know...

I straightened my hair and applied my body spray. Packing my bag, I ran out the door and cringed, as I saw the bus leaving.

'Dammit....what do I do?' I looked around, then suddenly remembered I could steal since some apartments have lower security. I grabbed my neighbour's black motorcycle from downstairs, melting the lock and chain off the metal with my fire.

"Good...your coming with me." I smirked at the bike, and suddenly realized how stupid that sounded out loud.

Grabbing the helmet on the side, I put it on and tuned the motor on, riding it all the way to UA. I passed the bus that had the pleasure of ditching me when it slipped near my house...that outta shame him...

A guy also thought it was funny if he sped up his car, and we both basically raced all the way to our destinations but finally split paths as he wasn't going to UA.

Well suck it bastard, I'm going their. Heh.

I parked at the enterance and chained the bike, walking near the doors of UA, where I saw crowds of students chatting and admiring the scenery. Many were staring at me and whispering things.

"Woah...isn't she that girl with the two quirks?"

"I heard she scored the highest on the entrance exam..."

"Did she just come in a motorbike?"

"How is she so hot?"

I smirked, as i felt the stares of fans continue as I walked through the doors. Okay....put on an act....starting now.

"Hey, can you direct me to class 1-A please?" I asked a pink skinned girl who was a bit shorted than me. She looked about my age, so why not?

"Sure! I mean, I'm knew here too, I was just going their! Wait aren't you that girl who got first on the enterance exam?" She rambled.

"Am I..?" This girl sure talks a lot....but nothing I'm not used to, like from Toga. No what was the advice boss gave me? Oh yeah, be nice, put on a show....and so either stuff.

"Huh. Oh. I guess." I realized how my sudden demeanor changed, and how the atmosphere got awkward and quiet. "Umm...anyways, I'm Akari Yuki, nice to meet you..?"

"Mina Ashido." She smiled. "Something tells me you and I are gonna be good friends, Yuki."

"Um, thanks?" I say awkwardly.

"I love your accent, it's so exotic!" She squealed.

"I'm American. And thanks." I force a small smile and slide open the door, which was huge. Like, Jesus...that's a big door.

"I am Tenya Iida! It is good to meet the girl who scored first place on the entrance exam! I admire your skills and hope to work with you in the coming future as a well respected partner and compe—" I cut him off.

"Um, I get it." I say awkwardly. "Could you maybe...move a bit? Class is about to start, I need to get to my seat."

"Oh, of course." He said. "This is also one more thing I need to compete with you on, class responsibilities and leadership—" I tuned him out.

Man....this boy is so annoying. Who shoved a stick up his ass? I really wish I could've gave him a taste of my attitude, but I knew I'd have hell to pay later from 'Boss man' if he found out. I guess this is my life now...

I continued ignoring him as he went over to the ash blonde to tell him to get his feet off the desk.

"Your kidding me right? Old school shove a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?" He remarked.

Wow, way to steal my line, asshole.

I hated all the noise this damn class was making, and the voice of Mina as she tried to talk to other people loudly, like that purple hair girl who's hair color matches mine a lot. I glanced around the classroom and spotted a familiar boy with half red and white hair.

'S-Shoto! That's got to be him! I know it is....what's he doing here?!'

I noticed how he noticed me staring at him and furrows his eyebrows. I tuned away quickly and exhaled.

"Of course he's here on account of the old man...but does he know who I am? Is my face easy to read? No, he couldnt possibly know....but what does he think of me right now? What if he finds out? Is that even possible...?

How should I act around him? Do I smile and laugh, but deep down inside, I know my long lost brother is sitting on the other side of this room. Has he given up on me yet? Did he find out what happened? He probably saw the letter...but what if the old man told him I was dead? No, he wouldn't believe that...right?Okay, my Virgo anxiety needs to stop now.

"I know this is sudden, but put these on and meet me outside in the training grounds..." a man in a sleeping bag mumbles.

Where did he come from? And why does he look so dead and sleep deprived? I really need to learn to pay more attention in class...


"What about the ceremony? The orientation?" A familiar brown haired girl asked.

"As a hero, you have no time for these things." He kicked into a mini lecture, similar to the ones boss man gives me back at the league.

"Yuki. Bakugo. You two scored the highest on the exams—" Aizawa Sensei said but was rudely cut off by the angry blonde boy.

"Wait, she scored top on the exams? It was only supposed to be me! She must have cheated! I'll be shocked to know this asshat even has a quirk in the first place!" He yelled.

Out of complete anger, I turned on my quirk creating a huge wave of water behind me with my right side, while my left started erupting in purple flames.

"What. Did. You. Say?" I asked word by word with a sadistic bloodthirsty grin spread across my face. I stood my guard, as the colour drained from the students faces. Oops.

The boy laid out a set of explosions from his hands, challenging me. I suddenly felt my quirks vanish and I tried to get them back but failed. I tuned and saw Aizawa Sensei, eyes glowing red, and scarfs floating in midair. Dammit, he's Eraserhead! The underground hero.

"Bakugo, Yuki, I suggest you don't use your quirks in any unauthorized combat, unless you want to be expelled on the first day. Now, you will both come forward and throw the ball as far as you can, using your quirks."

"Wait! Want did we score on the exams?" I asked, genuinely curious now.

Aizawa Sensei sighed. "Bakugo had a total of 77 villian points and 0 rescue points, while Yuki had a total of 78 villian points and 13 rescue points." I smirked in victory while he hissed in anger.

I grabbed his collar and whispered in his ear. "Beat you by 14 points, short fuse."

He hissed in anger, then sighed, as he pushed passed me with one last glare, proceeding to throw the ball.

"DIE!" He yelled as he threw the ball high into the sky, shocking everyone in the class, except me.




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I love you all so much!🤍🖤

 ʜ⋆ᴇ⋆ʀ⋆ᴏ (𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤)❗️[DISCONTINUED] ❗️Where stories live. Discover now