Bakugou's Decleration

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3rd P.O.V:

"Let's catch up...father."

Endeavor looked scared and backed away from his daughter. The look in her eyes held pure hatred.

Endeavor knew his reputation would be destroyed if he used his quirk on a student. He worked hard for the Number 2 hero spot, nothing else mattered to him.

"If you come any closer, I'll...have you expelled." He says a bit shakily. She scoffs.

"How? No one knows I'm your daughter. If the media found out, it would hurt your reputation terribly." She mocked, a sadistic smile plastered over her face.

"You know- this really is a sad reunion...." she grinned. "You never did tell me, how Shoto got that scar on his eye. I assume you did that too?" She asks calmly.

"It was...Rei." He narrowed his eyes. Nezuko laughs. And laughs. And laughs.

"Why should I believe that, HUH? You don't even TRY to be a proper father! That's why you even drove Touya out, AND GAVE ME AWAY! DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS? TO NOT BE WANTED BY YOUR OWN SORRY EXCUSE OF A FATHER?!"

Endeavor stays silent.

"I've put up with your antics for FAR too long. You took away Shoto from me. The thing I cared about most...
AND NOW, I'm going to make you feel that same pain! By taking away your PATHETIC LIFE!" She charges at him with immense speed and a fist full of bright purple flames. Endeavour just stands their, ready to block her attack. But he doesn't know how strong she's gotten. Even without his stupid training.

"Yuki, STOP." She suddenly feels her quirk disappear, and she stops near her fathers face. With a menacing glare, she looks behind Endeavor.

"Aizawa sensei..." Aizawa sighs and walks over to her. Shooting her a glare.

"After this festival is over, your going to tell me why the hell you were trying to attack a pro hero, understood?" She nods her head reluctantly and scoffs, walking away swiftly. She felt nothing. No emotion of any kind, no guilt, no anger. Just....blank.

She didn't even spare a glance to Midoriya and Todoroki who were standing in the hallway talking. They looked shocked as they saw her angry figure speeding by, scared of what she might do next.

'I've never seen this side of Yuki before....' they thought.


Akari Yuki P.O.V:

"Yuki, their you are!" Mina shouted as soon as I entered the changing room. Grabbing my wrist, she pulled me over to Momo.

"Here, Yuki! could you please put this on? It's a cheerleading outfit I made with my quirk. Mineta and Kaminari told us that we were supposed to-"

I tuned her out as I thought of how she could have possibly fallen for something so foolish? Mineta and Kaminari? Or course they would tell her to do something perverted like this.

"No thanks." I say simply, walking out. Momo looked offended, but I'm not getting caught up with any childish acts. Today had made my goal AND my feelings crystal clear to me.

Revenge on the number two hero.


Hmm, maybe I should have warned them.

All my female classmates were standing out in the field near the other cheerleaders as classes made their way down for the last event. The girls were in the ugly orange cheerleading outfits Momo made...

 ʜ⋆ᴇ⋆ʀ⋆ᴏ (𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤)❗️[DISCONTINUED] ❗️Where stories live. Discover now