Traitor? Or not?

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"Don't move! Those are villians." Aizawa Sensei says, putting on his goggles.

"Thirteen and Eraserhead huh?" Boss says holding up his hand.

"What about the trespasser sensors?" Momo says.

"If the sensors are not responding, it means they have someone with a quirk who can disable them. The attack was planned with some kind of goal in mind." Shoto says and I feel my lip twitch up. Not bad, you did turn out to be smart after all...

"Thirteen, protect the students. Start the evacuation. Kaminari, try contacting the school with your quirk." Aizawa Sensei says. I glance to boss who was looking at me as I pulled out my dagger about to attack Aizawa Sensei from behind. He shakes his head no, and I quickly slip it back into my cloak before anyone can see.

He jumps off he staircase and gets ready to fight. Kurogiri is probably gonna come up here and start fighting us anytime now. Maybe even use his warp gates to separate us.

I heard Dabi and Toga weren't going to be here, and it was just these random idiots around. Thugs and thieves. Nobody's. Rejected by society. (I realized Dabi and Toga don't join the league the yet, it I'm just going to change that so they did join already.)

Kurogiri started to threaten the students, but it didn't sound all to scary because of his nice language and use of words.

"I know it seems impolite, but we invited ourselves into this place. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might the Symbol of peace to take his last breath?" He says.

I could feel myself getting annoyed and chewing my lip in agitation as I quietly observed the situation.

"Where is he anyway? I guess it doesn't matter, I still have a role to play." He finishes. Thirteen was going to cast her quirk BlackHole on him, but before she could, Bakugo and The shark boy, Kirishima attacked him.

"Did you think we were just going to stand by and watch?" Kirishima says.

"Brats. I will scatter you over this facility!" I suddenly felt my self being warped away.

I ended up on top of a ship next to Frog girl, and saw Pervy grape and Midoriya falling from the sky far from eachother.

"You go for Pervy, I'll go for Midoriya." I say quickly and boredly. She nods, and jumps into the water, swimming just like a frog. I leap in and swim around for Midoriya. Seeing him almost get attacked by a weird shark thing, I shoot a blast of water threw my hand, sending him flying away.

I grab his arm and use my water acting as a wave to lift us up from the ugly green water we were swimming in. Using my continuous wave, I lifted our bodies to the ship and waited for Midoriya to hop off. He jumped off, and I landed with my feet to the ground as well.

"You saved my life, Yuki." He smiles.

"It was nothing." I shrug. We see Frog girl slam Pervy grape onto the deck. Of course. He's lucky I didn't go after him, I might have burned him alive if he said anything dirty.

"Thanks Asui." Midoriya smiles. I nod agreeing.

"Call me Tsu." She says.

"I've just been thinking about what the villian said...they knew our whole schedule and who would be here...they must have gotten in when the teachers were trying to get the media off school bounds." He explains.

I smirk. So he's figured it out....he's a smart boy.

"Wait! He can't kill All Might!" Mineta says. I sigh internally.

"Maybe we should worry more about not getting tortured to death." Tsu says.

Mineta pales. "Tell frog girl to shut up!" He yells. I smack him across the head. Stupid coward.

"Bastards! I'll enjoy eating you!" Some sharks villlians started charging at us through the water, surrounding us.

"Let's be heroes!" Midoriya says.

Mineta starts crying and yelling, but we ignore him.

We started talking about the advantages in the situation. Midoriya turns bright red when he forgets to call Asui 'Tsu'. I cringe but continue to form a plan.

"So they don't know what our quirks are." I conclude.

"Right. Or they would've sent me into the fire zone." Tsu says.

I nod in agreement.

"So let's talk quirks. I can jump really high, cling to any wall, and shoot out my tongue 20 meters." She also gets into nasty stuff which I try not to imagine.

"I have my strength, but once I use it I'm basically out of commission." Midoriya explains.

"I have my balls that can stick to anything, it it's based on what I'm feeling. They grow back, but I'll bleed if I use too many. And they don't stick to me, I bounce right off them." He explains. I guess I'm next.

"Um, I have 2 quirks. One is my fire quirk, called Amaterasu. Basically, my flames are capable of healing people and myself, but if I'm stressed or out of energy, it will be very weak. They can also be used for a deadly defence, kind of like Todoroki's." I had just realized what I said and bit my tongue in anger. Way to make something a bit more obvious me......if anyone figures out my secret....

"My next quirk is called Waterjet. I can take water I create and use it to my benefit, creating anything I need in the moment, like a giant wave, or an object. It is also powerful for defence, and it can make bubbles to help breathe underwater. And occasionally, I can change the temperature." I explain.

The three are speechless.

"Wow." Midoriya says later.

Suddenly, a hand of water started to shake the ship.

"Well that's totally not just a copy of my power." I mumble and deadpan. Well, whatever mines is stronger and better.

"So what's the plan, class rep?" Tsu asks.

"M-me?" I stutter. Well, I guess I can see why they want me to make the plan. Midoriya nods, agreeing with Tsu, and Mineta starts bawling because his sticky balls fell into the water.
After I explained the plan, Midoriya jumped into the water and smashed it with two fingers, causing a whirlpool.

"Now guys!" I called out. Tsu and Mineta jumped together. She grabbed midoriya with her tongue, while I followed behind. On my wave, and started making a dragon. With one hand I blasted it across the water, sending all of them flying even faster while the dragon attacked them continuously.

"Nice plan, Yuki!" Midoriya says.

"Hn." I nod.

Mineta kept throwing balls, while my dragon made circles around them to make them sink in even faster. I smirk in achievement. Boss will be fine, these 'villians' were extras. And they'll live.

"Looks like are work here is done." Tsu says. I smirk a bit.

I guess UA isn't THAT bad at all...


 ʜ⋆ᴇ⋆ʀ⋆ᴏ (𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤)❗️[DISCONTINUED] ❗️Where stories live. Discover now