The League

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"Level 3 Security Breach."

Panic. People panicking form all around, footsteps being the only thing I could here as I stepped out of the bathroom, entering hell.

"Wh-WHATS going on??" Did the League get in yet? Right now? But...I'm not ready for this...! Could it be the league? This is what happens when I fail to listen properly in meetings.

But then again, their is a chance it is someone else...but who? Maybe it's the media we used to attract attention for the perfect infiltration. Boss made me skip a day of school to discuss the plan, yet I can't even remember anything from what he told me.

I never realized I was so bland at times.

I continued to shove throw the crowd, looking for any villains or teachers to ask them what the hell is going on, and who's in the building currently. After a few hard pushes left and right, I fell to the ground on my shoulder. I layed their for a while and got stomped on a bit. I hissed in pain, and tried to get up, my arm wobbly. I couldn't feel my shoulder and I had definitely bruised my side, making it impossible to get up myself. I felt a strong hand grip my arm and yank me up. Losing my balance because of the pain, I fell right into the arms of....


I looked at him genuinely shocked and surprised at how strong my brother had become. He had a stern look on his face, as if he was studying me. I turned away quickly before he could find anything.

My visible eye a dull grey, just like his was, the one without the scar. I wonder if Endeavor gave that to him too....I will never forgive him! That man is an evil skunk who needs to be taken care of.

"T-Todoroki. Thanks." I stuttered awkwardly. He forced a smile smile.

"I wasn't just going to leave you down their." He answered. Suddenly, everyone in the hall stopped, as four-eyes gave a speech to the students, alerting them its just the media.

'It's not just the media....' I thought. Shoto sighs, relieved and begins walking with me to recovery girls office.

"You don't have to carry me there. I'm perfectly capable of walking myself." I insist. I jump out of his arms and stand, but topple over miserably. I grunt in pain and crawl up on my knees, fists clenched on the carpet. I sigh, resorting to my quirk.

"My flames are not only a weapon, they can heal injuries such as minor cuts and wounds, even deep ones." I say, then press the flames to my side. Todoroki stares at the purple flames a confused expression on his face.

I finished and got up without his help. I clutched my side which was still in pain.

"I would still suggest you see recovery girl. It's a better option." He says "I will walk you there myself." He says and grabs my arm, pulling me in the direction of her office.

I sigh in defeat. Todoroki stares at the ground, hands in his pocket deep in thought.

"Are you American? You accent seems so different." He says questioningly. I nod my head slowly.

"You remind me of someone I used to know...I don't know why, but you just do." He states bluntly, not paying attention to his words as different visuals and memories played in his head.

"I do? How so?" I ask. It's good to know so I could take care of those similarities later.

"You have the same eyes. Your personality...And the same skin tone. And you feel familiar. Maybe a similar facial structure...and, may I ask why you always cover your right eye?" He asks.

"I already told you....I just like the look, that's all. It's from a manga I read." I say, speeding up my pace and knocking on the door to recovery girls office.

After a while of staying at her office, I was allowed to go back to class. I ran down the halls to the classroom, not wanting to be late and disappoint the class, and the league. We had a field trip today, as Aizawa Sensei told us before lunch.

I was gonna miss the bus for sure. But I slammed the door to the classroom just in time to see the class getting prepared to leave in their costumes. I looked around the room curiously, taking in everyone's costumes. I wasn't here the other day, but I had heard Bakugo tried to mess with Deku from Mina which made me laugh really hard because of how he got in trouble.

"Yuki, put this on." Aizawa threw the bag to me. I caught it with ease, and waited for Aizawa to fill me in.

"We're leaving in 5. Change, and meet us by the bus. I will explain once we get on.

I nod my head and leave the room to change. My head felt light, as I fiddled with the costume trying to put it on.

"Damn it....why is is so tight around my legs." I groan internally.

After Aizawa filled me in on everything, I was given a number and had to sit next to Bakugo. Great, just my luck.

I stared out the window thinking about how today was going to go. I wanted the league to win, but I didn't want these kids to die or get seriously injured. I also didn't want my dear old father to have the satisfaction of being #1 when AllMignt dies, but I'll just crush him and his pride then. The perfect time to strike is when your opponent thinks they are at their fullest...

I was a bit surprised Bakugo wasn't saying anything, but my peace was short lived because he got up and started yelling.

"IM GONNA MAKE SURE YOU REGRET THE DAY YOU APPLIED TO THIS SCHOOL YOU LOSER!" He yells at Pikachu. I swiftly move to the side with an uncomfortable look on my face.

"Do you ever shut up?" I ask.

He glares at me. And was about to yell but he stops himself at Aizawa Sensei's voice.

"Calm down, were almost there."

"Yes sir!" The class says simultaneously.

I glance out the window and suddenly become shocked at the beautiful training ground I see.

'Fire....water....mud?' Lots of different terrains.

"There actually some I've made myself." I turn my head around only to see the pro hero, Thirteen. What was she doing here? Was this who Sensei was talking about earlier?

He said something about space jams that made me sweat drop. I swear I'll go insane if boss makes me spend another minute with these losers...

"Now before we begin, I have something to say....or two...or three...or four..." I zoned out a bit but started listening again.

"My quirk is called 'Black Hole'. It's a very dangerous quirk that can kill, like many of you here." She continued about her quirk as I glanced around the area for any signs of the villains.

"Something wrong, Yuki? You should be listening to Thirteens speech." Aizawa says, leaning against the railing.

I let out a small gasp as I look behind Aizawa Sensei, at the villains who came threw one of Kurogiri's warp gate. The lights go out. Aizawa turns around and gets into action.

"Villains....Thirteen protect the students!" He yells.

"What the..." A student begins.

We all turned our heads to see none other than Tomura Shigaraki peering through the warp gate.

My boss.

I guess it's time.

But wait...where's All Might?


 ʜ⋆ᴇ⋆ʀ⋆ᴏ (𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤)❗️[DISCONTINUED] ❗️Where stories live. Discover now