Obstacle Race

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The time we had to prepare for the festival was precious. Not that I really needed it, I took the time off to train my apprentice, who was getting better by the double everyday. She reminded me of Midoriya, shining with potential.

"Stop." I tell her, jumping down from the tree. She looks at me and nods, then grabs her water bottle.

"Take a half hour break, because it's almost time for your next stage of training." I smirk.

"What's that?" She says confused. I turn around to face her, taking a step closer.

"Your gonna be fighting me."

"Alright, so all you have to do is take this bell from me. Easy right?" I said holding it up and jingling it in her face.

"Not." I finished, throwing it up in the air and catching it it with my other hand.

"You have 2 minutes to hide and come up with a plan. Until then, I will be sitting under that tree waiting. Remember, not only to use your skill but you brain too." I walked away to the tree, and laid against it, examining the shiny bell in the daylight.

A while later, I heard rustling behind the bushes and crept closer. 'Dont make it so obvious, brat.'

Pushing the leaves aside, it reveals nothing but her red scarf caught in the leaves. Smart...

I turn around and an met with a kick aimed to my face. I simply duck, extending my leg out in a ninja-like way.

"Too slow." I tease, and use my water to blast her away to the tree, but she blocked the impact with her quirk. She gets up and wipes the sweat off her face with her sleeve then looks around the training ground worriedly, trying to think of another strategy.

She blasted stumps of crystals everywhere carrying her through the air, and jumped into a tree. I saw no traces of leaves rustling anywhere. I kept on my guard, looking everywhere, until suddenly multiple shards of crystals started shooting out from different directions. It was like in slow-motion for me. Shigaraki called me 'his trump card' and trained me with skills beyond a pro hero. I was swift and vigilant, so I knew how to dodge simple attacks like these. But shes good...she may even turn out to be better than me!

She hopped out of the tree and avoided my flame attack with a crystal shield. I took that as an opportunity to get behind her and kick her to the ground. I ran to her with a fist full of fire, while she was clutching her body on the ground in fear. I get right up close to her and hold my flame in front of her face. Not moving and inch.

"See? You failed to get the bell. Not only that, but in a real battle you would've been kill-" my sentence was cut short when I felt a sharp pain in my right leg. I look down. There was a crystal shard coming straight from her hand plunged into my flesh. I stood there shocked. Not shocked that she did that, but shocked that the cliche in shows where the villains weakness is 'talking to much and the main character ends up winning'. Huh, who knew that actually worked.

"Good job. That last one got me. But it's not enough in a real fight." I explain, ripping the shard out of my leg.

"I'm...I'm so sorry!" She sobbed and clutches on to my jacket leaving me shocked.

"Wha- HEY! Get off me kid! I need to heal my leg with my flames!" I explain trying to pry her small body off. She clutches on tighter.

"I'm not dead or something...." I mumble darkly, deadpanning at the girl still crying.
The day of the festival:

Today was the day.

The day I prove that I'm better than Mr.Mad-Man.

 ʜ⋆ᴇ⋆ʀ⋆ᴏ (𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕤)❗️[DISCONTINUED] ❗️Where stories live. Discover now