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"Til, you can't do this." Eloise frowns at her through the screen, her big blue eyes looking worried.

"El, I literally started crying in front of him after he kissed me. What the fuck else am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know, maybe tell him why it happened. Just saying it wasn't his fault doesn't do anything for him. He is still going to think it was him."

"Fuck. And he is so nice. Like so nice. And funny, and he sorta..." She sighs, not sure she wants to admit what she's been thinking.

"He reminds you of him doesn't he?" Her sister smiles sympathetically.

Swallowing an uncomfortable lump in her throat Tilly nods, wiping her cheek to catch a tear.

"That isn't a bad thing, Tilly. You just need to move slow, it's new, it's confusing, and it's scary. But it isn't bad or wrong."

"It feels wrong still, El."

"Tilly, this isn't healthy. You can't just be single for the rest of your life."

"I'll be married to my job." Tilly chuckles halfheartedly.

"Hey, come to Paris, Til. And soon, we should have some sister time."

"It's February, El, that means mom and dad are going to visit you there soon. I'll come around after I know they're gone."

"You could come while they are here, we could have the whole family back together for the first time in years." Her sister rolls her eyes.

"No. You know I can't do that. I should go, El, I need to get some sleep before tomorrow. I'll talk to you later, sis."

"Tilly, he wouldn't want this. Try and remember that. And hey, I love you, sissy."

"I love you too. Talk soon." Tilly sighs, shutting down skype and shoving her computer away.

Glancing down she lifts the small "T" charm hanging around her neck. Pressing it to her lips as she takes a deep breath, "What the hell am I going to do, T?" She whispers, wishing there was a way to get a definitive answer from the person she wants it from most.

"Hey, Cal, nice shirt?" Luke laughs as Calum steps out of the elevator.

"Oh ya, um, got shit on by a bird so the place let me take a t-shirt instead of wearing the soiled one." Calum shrugs, his mind somewhere completely different.

"Penny for your thoughts, Cal. What's pulling you down?" Sierra asks, concern written across her soft features.

"Just..." he sighs, scratching the back of his head as he tries to organize a thought well enough to verbalize it.

"Hey, come on let's sit down. Something really bothering you, Cal." Luke frowns, ushering him into their hotel room.

"Is it the volunteer work you've been doing? Is it too much?" Sierra takes his hand gently as he drops into a chair.

"No." Calum sighs, "Have you ever met someone, and like instantly knew you needed to know them. They needed to be part of your life somehow? But you aren't sure how exactly?"

"Yes." They both deadpan before turning to glance at the other.

"Fuck." Calum laughs, "I met Tilly yesterday when I got out to the Animal Rehabilitation place. She is bold and sassy and confident and beautiful. I don't know, it was like instantly I had a crush on her or something. She actually requested I come back today, that's why I was pulled our right when we got down to the volunteer building this morning. We were flirting all day. Literally from the moment we got away from the other volunteers. And it wasn't like innocent flirting either. And then she very obviously was checking me out after she washed my hair out. The bird shit on my head." He adds quickly when Luke goes to ask, "And I got this jolt of confidence from catching her doing that. So I asked if I could kiss her. And she said Yes, and kissed me back. And then she started crying." He deflates.

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