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"You ready, Tilly?" Eloise asks, her eyes full of all the emotions Tilly is not feeling, hope, excitement, and happiness. To her it's a dream come true to have all four of them in the same place again, but to Tilly standing on her parents doorstep is nothing short of a panic attack inducing nightmare.

"I guess." She finally sighs, giving El the go ahead to walk through the door.

"Good morning, miss Eloise, and my goodness, is this miss Matilda, all grown and finally returning?"

"Hey, Freddy." Tilly rolls her eyes at the formalness of the old butler.

"Mrs. Warren did not mention that you would be joining us today, miss Matilda, it is so nice to see you again. Mrs. Warren is seated in the garden enjoying her breakfast, would you like to join her?"

"Thank you, Fredrick, we can find our way there though." El smiles, pulling Tilly around him and off through the house.

"Damn, I forgot how stuffy this place is. No wonder I wanted to get out into the open air and adventure." Tilly laughs as they head through the still too familiar and clean house.

"It's not that bad, Til." Eloise rolls her eyes.

"Yes it fucking is. And they will all still call me Matilda. My boyfriend doesn't even know that's my full name. I hate it so much."

"Be nice, Tilly, or it will be worse, you know that." El pleas with her eyes as she opens the emasculate french doors that lead to the garden space behind the home.

"Hi, mom." El is the one to call out, getting the attention of the aging woman sitting at the small table.

"Eloise, you're earlier than I expected." She smiles, but it faulters slightly as she sees Tilly, "and Matilda, I was sure you would not come."

"I came." Tilly shrugs, "I felt it was the right thing to do. He is my father after all."

"Not that you have treated him as such ever in your life."

Tilly bites back her retort, knowing she has a full day to get through, knowing she hasn't even seen her dad yet. "I can go if you'd prefer. I'm not trying to cause issues."

"No. He was pleased when I informed him of your coming. I see you have injured yourself?" She nods at the cast on Tilly's arm.

"I broke my wrist a few days back. Nothing major. I slipped on a rock and fell wrong while attempting to cross a river."

"If you'd gone into a proper business venture you would not have to be crossing rivers and falling over."

"I'm good, thanks for the advice though." She forces her eyes to stay put, despite the overwhelming desire to roll them.

"Your sass does not show you well, Matilda. Sit, eat, both of you. I want to hear about your achievements, Matilda, what have you made of yourself since cutting ties with us in full."

Following her instructions Tilly and El sit with her, the family cook appearing with tea and scones for them both almost immediately.

"Well? Anything worth telling your mother, Matilda?"

"Plenty, if you actually want to hear it."

"I do." Her mom places down her tea cup, giving Tilly her full attention.

"I left here three years ago in a very bad place, as you should know. I went to Paris for a while, stayed at El's place to cope with the worst of my grief, and then began to travel and work again. I have visited all seven continents in research settings in the last three years, five of them this year already in fact. I have written and had published two research papers, one on the effect ocean contamination on large mammal populations such as whales and dolphins. And another on the ereversable damage poaching is causing to the wildlife populations of central Africa. I was stationed in Sydney, Australia for the better part of five months helping with relief efforts for the animals effected by the fires. And only a few weeks ago, I was honored at a gala held by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for my work. I have rebuilt my life, regained my happiness and strength after losing Trevor, and this year, I started to date again. I have found in that pursute a wonderful man who accepts me, my lifestyle, and my past."

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