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Double update cuz I love ya! Read 7 first 🖤

Calum knew what part of town it was as soon as Tilly sent him the address, but staring up at the large Tribeca home he has to swallow hard. Could this really be the life Tilly grew up in. Money and fashion and fancy things. Taking a deep breath he double checks the address before pressing the fancy doorbell. A large chiming bell sound reaching his own ears as it echoes through the house.

After a minute he hears the lock click, the large door opening. "Hel-holy shit." The girl faulters as she answers. She looks to be in her late teens, dark hair and eyes.

"Um, hi. I'm looking for Tilly." Calum chuckles awkwardly.

"Right, sorry. Manners. I'm Vivian, come on in. I'll go grab her. She was finishing up getting ready."

"Thanks. I'm Calum, but I think you already knew that." He laughs, stepping past her into a large entryway, a beautiful marble staircase ahead of him and a large chandelier hanging from the two story ceiling overhead.

"Guilty. Sorry for the panic, Tilly didn't warn me who this date was with."

"No problem." Calum smiles.

"I'll be right back." Vivian comments, the air still awkward between them.

Calum glances around the space after she disappears up the stairs, noticing some photos along the small table against the wall. The young man in the family picture catching his eye, it's T, the mysterious man from Tilly's life. Along with two girls, one clearly older than him, the other a younger version of Vivian, along with their parents. Another photo on the shelf of T and Tilly, his arms around her shoulders both grinning at the camera.

"Hey, band boy." He turns quickly as Tilly's voice startles him.

"Wow." Calum grins, drinking in the simple beauty she emanates, a dark pale green sweater hugging her body, torn black skinny jeans accentuating her beautiful legs. Her hair down and straight. "You look good, animal girl."

"Thank you. Char and Viv helped me pick it out. First date in years, I was a little nervous." She smiles, clearly still nervous.

"I cannot believe you forgot to mention this little detail." Vivian is back as well, glaring at Tilly.

"What detail, Viv?" Tilly laughs, pulling a leather jacket from the coat rack.

"Calum Hood wants to take you on a date and you're still caught up on my damn brother." The younger girl rolls her eyes.

"Okay, Vivian Sharleen. Why don't you go clean your room like your mom asked you to do hours ago." Tilly's face is flushed red.

"I'm just saying, Tilly, three years, and Calum Hood. Hell if he was still alive I wouldn't be mad if you ditched him for this guy." Vivian ducks as Tilly reaches out to cover her mouth, laughing as she escapes up the stairs quickly.

Calum swallows, apparently there is his answer. Whoever T is, whatever their relationship was, it was important to Tilly, and he died. Way to start a first date...

"Ready?" He asks as she turns back to him, a small purse over her arm.

"If that scared you away, I won't be mad." Her eyes look panicked.

"Na, but I am sorta confused. And dinner is waiting."

After a second Tilly smiles genuinly. "Thank you. For not being scared of what must be a huge confusing jumble of questions and such." She nods, opening the door before turning back, grabbing a key off the table in front of the photo of her and T, slipping it into her pocket.

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