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Tilly holds the doorknob in one hand a small silver key in the other, debating if she should use it or knock. After a quick internal struggle she tucks the key into the pocket of her jeans, knocking for the first time in her memory on the large stark white door that looks far less inviting than what she knows waits on the other side of it. She can't help but bite back a massive grin as she hears the lock click from the other side of the door.

"Tilly?" The aged woman in the doorway looks shocked, her bright blue eyes wide.

"Hey, Char. Am I still welcome here?" She chuckles.

"Always! Come in, come in." The woman shakes herself, ushering Tilly over the threshold. "It's freezing out, you'll catch a cold."

"I've been in Antartica for the last two weeks, this weather is great." Tilly laughs, as the lady fusses over helping her out of her jacket.

"You finally went?" Charlotte grips her face, a smile growing on her lips as her eyes gloss.

"I finally went. And it was everything T and I expected it to be, and more. He would have loved it." She smiles, pulling the woman she has always loved like a mother into a tight hug.

"I'm sure he was with you the whole time. I'm so glad you went." The older lady sighs, clinging to Tilly for a long moment.

"Patrick!" She calls as soon as she let's go, pulling Tilly down the hall towards the kitchen no doubt.

"You called, ma'am?" The balding butler appears, making Tilly smile.

"Tilly will be staying with us, please collect her bags and have them put in the usual room, and have Anne start a load of laundry for her."

"Welcome home, miss Tilly, would you like a moment to change so your travel clothes can be cleaned as well?" Patrick smiles at her.

"I'd love too, Pat, but I'm out of clothes. Antarctica is void of washing machines and it wasn't exactly the climate to wash by hand." She laughs.

"You know you're welcome to anything in Trev's closet still, Tilly. And if that's too hard I'm sure Annabelle has something left behind you can borrow. Go on up and take a shower, baby, I'm going to make your favorite dinner. Matthew and Viv should be back from her competition in about an hour."

"Why did I run away from New York again?" Tilly laughs, "Oh ya, my parents."

"I take it they are unaware you are passing through?" Her eyes go soft as she asks.

"And I'd like to keep it that way."

"Dinner will be ready when you're done showering."

"Thanks, Charlotte." Tilly smiles, heading back down the corridor, jogging up the familiar marble stairs.

"Would you like your things in Trevor's room or the guest, miss Tilly?" Patrick asks, having been waiting for her in the long hallway.

"T's room." She smiles softly, "One last time." She mumbles to herself as he turns to twist the knob on the bedroom that she has spent countless nights in.

Stepping cautiously through the doorway, Tilly takes it all in, the world map hung over the headboard, the cringy animal posters they pulled out of magazines covering the walls intermixed with photos of the two of them over then years. The always dishevelled navy blue duvet and the messy closet spilling out, just like always.

"I'll leave you to freshen up. There are towels and soap in the cabinet in the bathroom. Mrs. Lampe always keeps it stocked for you." Patrick smiles before leaving her.

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