Part 1

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January 2013

"Hey Harry, how are you doing" I greet the familiar face as I continue wiping down the bar.

"I am doing just fine Y/N, are you ready for tonight" he takes his cap off and scratches his head before placing the cap on the bar and taking a seat on his usual stool.

"It's the super bowl, I am never ready, I wish I was on that side of the bar instead of this one" I smirk while polishing the wood.

"Well one day I hope you are on this side just visiting and not actually working here or living here, you are destined for greater things, not this place" Harry speaks with a gruff voice of a man that has lived many years.

"You have me confused with somebody else Harry" I take a bottle of bud out of the fridge for him and pop the cap with my hands, it's a skill I developed from the many years of working here.

I place the bottle down in front of him  "I'm not going anywhere, you and I both know that" I shoot him a reassuring wink.

"Just because this is a small town, doesn't mean you can't move on to bigger and better things. I mean, look at that Swift girl" my stomach drops at the mention of her name.

Even after all these years her name, her presence, her songs, they still have an unwanted effect.

"Mmm well, unfortunately, me and her are complete opposites, so I don't think I will quite have the life that she does" it's true.

We were opposites.

"Well, I'm just saying, this place doesn't have to define you" Harry takes a sip of his beer "unless you let it"

He's right.

But it's too late for that.

Too late for me.

The game started and the first half was good my team the Ravens were doing well against the 49ers.

Most in the bar were supportive of the Ravens and regardless of who they were supporting it would not turn into a brawl at the end as we were all really die hard Titan's fans, just our team had no hope in getting to the Super Bowl.

I always served food in the bar at half time for free.

It always brought in the customers and most of mine were loyal patrons so I had no issue in making sure that some hot dogs and burgers lined there already beer filled belly's.

I just got done with putting the buns for the hot dogs out on the make shift table.

It was a pool table with a big table cloth.

The bar was packed, which was great business for me.

Owning the bar you worked in since you were 16, is quite the accomplishment for most. But to me, it was a means to an end.

It was stretching already deep roots.

It tied me to this town.

I couldn't leave.

I wouldn't leave.

A tune started to come from the speakers and I heard the roar from the crowd.

Must be time for the half time show.

I wasn't sure who was performing today.

I usually avoided mainstream music, music channels and popular radio channels.

I avoided anything that reminded me of her.

I hear a strong guitar riff and the crowd of the Super Bowl scream.

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