🔥Chapter Four🔥

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"I closed myself and thought I saw the devil. I grew thickened skin on my feet."

Leaving the Halloween party, I felt accomplished. I finally made the first step since Kendrick was too afraid to. See, I'm bold. I ain't afraid to do what needs to be done in order to get what I want. And there was no way I was going to let his birthday end without making it one that he'll always remember.

The whole walk to the car and the ride home I couldn't stop smiling. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop.

"I have never seen you smile. What's got you so happy baby bro?" Demarcus asked

I didn't even respond. I just laid back in my seat and kept smiling.

When I got home, I was laying in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was hard for me to fall asleep. I tried everything possible and I mean EVERYTHING ! All I could think about was what happened tonight with Kendrick. The thought of what could've happened if we weren't interrupted came across my mind.

Did I want our FIRST time together to be in a school bathroom?

Absolutely not.

I think we both got lost in the moment. None of us willing to stop and ruin it. I am glad that the boy came in when he did.

I want our first time together to feel special. I want him to feel special. I need that moment to be perfect when it comes.

Damn, I miss him already.

*Monday morning*

There's that gorgeous person I've been waiting to see again. By his locker, getting books for his next class. I'm surprised he's by himself. He's usually with Jazmine but maybe she didn't come to school today or maybe she's with Dre. I saw the way they were all booed up with each other at the dance. Had a nigga jealous as fuck, lowkey.

While he was still grabbing things out his locker, I decided to sneak up behind him.

"Good morning bae" I said causing him to jump and turn around, his back crashing against the locker. If only you all could see the look of terror on him face right now. It was imposibble for me to hold back my laughter.

"Dwayneeee, wh-why would you do that !" he yelled with a shaky voice while pushing me in my chest.

He might have been upset with me but I was still laughing my ass off. I had to catch my breath after a while because of how hard I was laughing.

"It's not funny" he says pushing me in my chest again. He closes his locker then adds, "and I'm not your bae. Last I checked, I'm very much single."

I gave him this "nigga are you serious look" because is this nigga serious ? But from the look on his face, it seems that he was serious.

"Well then let me change that" I said closing the space between us. I'm tired of him playing games and I already told ya that I'm bold.

Instead of pushing me in my chest like he's been doing, he placed his hand on my chest preventing me from getting any closer.

"Well, uh-uhm..." he starts off before looking down at the ground. "I think I need some time to think about that."

Using my index finger to lift his head up, I assured him, "that's cool. Just know that I'll be waiting for your answer."

I gave him a small peck on the cheek before we went on our way, in different directions.

As the day went by, I couldn't stop thinking about Kendrick and how much of a power couple we would be together. We'd run this school and no one would fuck with us. That could be now but I did agree to give him time to decide. But I can't lie, I'm already growing impatient.

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