Chapter 1: I love you

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Bradley's Pov: Present
I had just came back to Stef's Malibu home from dropping off Lea at the airport. I knocked on the door three times to let her know it was me instead of using the doorbell. It's our secret way of knowing who it is.

"B!" Stefani said in a jolt while running into my arms. "I missed you!". "I was only gone for 20 minutes baby." I said while thinking of how much I loved when she missed me like this. It let me know how much she really cared.

I then took her face and put her hair behind her right ear. "I missed you too gorgeous." I said while giving Stef a slight smirk. "Oh my I'm not gorgeous B. I'm far from that." Stefani said knowing very well what my next words would be. "You know better. You're the most beautiful woman on the planet. I can't ever get enough of you and every time I see you I almost burst into flames because do your beauty. You're perfect Stef and I love you." That was the first time I had ever told her I loved her (it was the first time I had said it off of camera. The first time behind closed doors.)

"Wait. You love me?" Stefani said back with a sweet and gentle look on her face. She was nowhere near confused or worried. Which is what I was afraid of. "Yes, ofc I love you. You're my soulmate. My one and only. You're my baby. My number one and I don't know what I'd do without you." I said shyly.

Stefani's Pov:

"B....I've been waiting to hear those words come out of your mouth for a very long time now. I love you so much. You don't even know." I said while practically gasping for air because of how much that made me want him. Beg for him. Plead for him. I was aching for his touch....not including how he was still holding me on the front steps of my home. I then whispered in Bradley's ear "let's get off the damn porch, go inside, and have a little fun." I then sucked on his earlobe slightly to make him somewhat want me.

Bradley's Pov:

I took Stefani's face and pulled it closer to mine. I whispered "I need you. Let's go upstairs babygirl." I took her soft and elegant face and our lips touched. I never wanted to stop. I never wanted to let go. My whole world revolved around her and only her. We then walked inside while I was still holding her and I then took my left hand and locked the door behind me while not letting my lips leave Stefani's. I walked Stef upstairs and into her bedroom. I then laid her on the bed and she slowly scooted back to the back of the bed where her head was touching the pillow. I then proceeded to take off of her shirt while she took off mine. Once I got her shirt off her breasts were exposed. She was wearing no bra just like normal Stef would do and that's one of my favorite things about her. No bra, no hassle.

She got my shirt off and then took her right hand and slowly moved it down my chest and abs. Oh, how it made me want her even more. I took her face and kissed it and kissed it. It was as if our tongues were in a battle fighting for who was the best at making out. She of course was way better than me.

I slowly moved my lips from her lips to the side of her cheek, then to her neck, her shoulder, and finally to her nipple. Oh how hard they were, so hard still gets me going. I licked her nipples until I began to slightly bulge. Stef then grabbed my dick through my pants. I got 10x harder when she did that.

Stefani's Pov:

Once I grabbed Bradley's dick, I felt it get instantly harder underneath of his pants. We needed to get those pants of his off, but Bradley wasn't going to let me get him until he got me. He slowly took off my shorts I was wearing and then left my black lacey underwear exposed. He then began to kiss me as he had never kissed me before. It was a kiss with passion rather than just a kiss of pleasure. Bradley really wanted me and I could feel it. I pushed him up so then he was on his knees and began to unbuckle his pants, unbutton them, and unzip them. Then I slowly began to push them off and down to his knees. He then got off of the bed without breaking our kiss and took his pants off the rest of the way to we're only his boxers were exposed. I wanted him inside of me so bad. I needed him inside of me.

He pushed me back on the bed with a force I didn't even know he had. It didn't hurt at all, but felt more like a push of love. He wanted me just as bad as I wanted him. After he pushed me down he got on top of me to secure his dominance. He kissed my lips, then my cheek, my neck, my exposed and very hard nipples, then down my stomach kiss after kiss. He was so gentle. His hands grazed my inner thigh and then he spread my legs open and slowly took off my underwear. I was so wet and Bradley was the cause of that and he was proud of what he saw.

He took my legs and pushed them on the bed as far apart as they would go. He then kissed my inner thigh and lower and lower down near my pussy. He was such a tease and I loved him even more for that. He then reached my pussy with his mouth and began to eat me out. He was so good at this. He was a god. He started to begin to notice how wet I was and stuck a finger in me for more pleasure. I couldn't take it anymore and I began to moan his name. "B...Br.... Bradley. OH MY GOD! Don't stop." I moaned. I began to moan uncontrollably and it was so loud. I had to put a pillow over my mouth so I wouldn't wake the neighbors.

Bradley's Pov:

I was pushing my finger in and out, in and out. I then added two fingers just for a little more heat and I then heard Stef moan so loud but it was muffled. I then looked at her, took away her pillow, and said: "I wanna hear you scream for me." I put my remaining hand close to her clit and took my middle finger and began to rub. She moaned so load. I loved it. "I. Want. You. To. Scream. For. Me." I said to Stef while taking a breath from eating her with each word. I ruded, pushed, and licked her even harder and faster. She screamed so loud. Wow.

Stefani's Pov:

I screamed so uncontrollably loud for B. I couldn't help myself. "I-I'm gonna c-cum," I said while trying to hold my my breath. "Then cum for me baby," Bradley said while smiling inside of me. I came so hard. It was amazing. After he felt me squirt he took his finger and licked my remaining juices off of it. He then swiped his finger one last time over my sensitive clit, got some of my juices on it, and then slowly crawled his way over up to my face. He then stuck his finger in my mouth and then pulled it out and back into his. O,h how sexy it was. Bradley then took off his boxers and exposed his rather large dick. Wow. It was huge and so hard, hard just for me.

Bradley then slowly stuck his dick inside of me giving me time to get used to it. I gave out a little moan as soon as he stuck it in. I couldn't help myself. He then began to speed up his thrusts and push harder and harder. He kissed me so passionately while doing so. He cared so much about keeping me happy. He started to moan for me. "S...St...Stef! Oh, Stef!" He moaned. I took my hand and put it in through his hair. I couldn't get enough of him. "I'm gonna c-c-cum baby. Oh. My. God." He then came all inside of me. It was the best feeling in the world. He kissed me so passionately once again and said "Stef...I never want to lose you." and then I said with and smile on my face, "and you never will" I promised. Bradley then rolled over to my back side and held me. We both fell soothly asleep in each other's arms.
Little did I know that I'd have a surprise waiting for me the next morning do to the series of passionate events that had just taken place that very night💋

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