Chapter 10: Taylor part 2

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Bradley's POV: April 30th, 2016

I had just ended my singing lessons and now I'm heading home to Stef. Home. That feels good to say. She is my home, my love, my everything. I'm falling hard for her...I don't know. Maybe I'm falling too hard. She's still with Taylor after all.

Once I pulled up into the driveway I could already sense her love. Something my heart craved for, ached for.

I parked my bike, took off my helmet and headed for the front door. Once I got to the porch I knocked three times. I waited for what seemed like forever, but no one ever came to the door. I then texted Stefani. I was starting to worry and my breaths began to quicken

Stef? Are you home? If so I'm here and waiting outside. I missed you

It had been 5 minutes and still no answer. I then decided to try the door nob. It was unlocked and I slowly pushed it open. This gave my stomach an uneasy feeling.

Once I got inside, all of the lights were out but there were small candles everywhere and white rose petals. The uneasy feeling had now long gone away from my stomach. Now I know why she didn't text me back or answer the door....she was waiting for me.

The petals made a path from the front door leading into the kitchen and then into the living room.

I slowly walked on the path of the rose petals and once I got into the living room I saw her. She looked so amazing. She was a goddess...still is. She was laying out in her black lingerie, welcoming me home with her open body on the couch.

I then, as fast as I could, sat my things down to the side and rushed over to her.

I took her face and she then said to me "Welcome home baby." That just turned me on 10 times more. My pants slowly began to tighten. I needed to get out of them.

I started kissing her all over her face, her neck, her stomach, and every once in a while right above her heat leaving small hickeys all over her skin. Her hands were intertwined constantly with my hair as I kissed her. We needed to get out of these clothes...she needed to get out of those clothes.

I then pushed her body down on the couch and took off my jacket and shirt while our lips never even parted

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I then pushed her body down on the couch and took off my jacket and shirt while our lips never even parted.

Once she was down I took off her sexy underwear as slow as I possibly could just to tease her. Then once they were off I kissed her thighs easing closer and closer to her heat. I stuck my thumb on her sensitive bundle. She instantly began to moan my name.

She knows how that gets me. It makes me melt and ache even more for her. I needed to taste her, to be inside her.

I stuck my tongue inside of her. She tasted like heaven. Amazing.

I switched my thumb and tongue places and then switched my thumb out for my pointer finger. I pushed it deep inside of her and the deeper I went the more she arched her back. So sexy.

"Bra- Brad- Bradleyyyyyy" she screamed as I was moving my finger and tongue all inside of her, filling every crevice.

"I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum." She was holding onto the sides of the couch for, what it seemed like, dear life.

I then stopped everything immediately, pulled her up, and set her on my lap.

"Oh no no no. We can't have that just yet." I said to her glowing face while moving it finger back and forth and holding onto her lower back with my other hand.

"Oh B. You're such a fucking tease." She said while smiling, grabbing my hair, and pulling me in for a kiss.

Just before our lips met...

"Stefi? I'm home baby! Why is it so dark in here?" He then saw the rose petals and candles and began to forget all about the mysterious bike outside. "And oooo baby. Candles? Could you be any more romantic? " Taylor said as he was opening the front door.

I quickly rushed, grabbed my shirt, jacket, and things. I grabbed her underwear and began to hand them to her.

"Keep them." She wrapped my hand around them and gave me a quick kiss. "Back door! Now!" She whisper screamed.

I ran to the door and thankfully didn't get caught by Taylor....he's one lucky bitch.

Stefani's POV:

"Hey baby. I've been waiting for you." I said to Taylor as he came into the living room.

"Oh wow. You look rather tasty." Taylor said while licking his lips.

He reminds me of Bradley when he does that.

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